
apotheosize vt.1.把,尊為神,神化。2.尊崇,崇拜,頌揚。


The ecstasy of faith almost apotheosized her ; it set upon her face a glowing irradiation , and brought a red spot into the middle of each cheek ; while the miniature candle - flame inverted in her eye - pupils shone like a diamond 她對信念的狂喜使她變得神圣起來臉上容光煥發,兩邊臉頰的中間現出來一塊紅暈在她眼睛的瞳仁里,投射進去的燭光的影子閃閃發亮,就好像是兩顆鉆石。

Apotheosizing makes judge pao retained the divinity power walking between the lower world and this world to rescue common people . at the same time , judge pao became the symbol of authority and justice 必須指出的是,只有通過這種神化,包公才能獲得“穿越”陰陽兩界的神性力量,從而擔當怎拯救細民百姓的使命,才能成為“權威”與“正義”的象征。

Inconsistence attributes to many popular stories are not related to judge pao and the purpose to apotheosize him 這種背離,不僅在于許多故事與包公本身無關這一方面,而且在于神化包公。