
apotheosis n.(pl. -ses )1.尊為神,封為神,神化。2....

Managing the bioscientific history in teaching process can effectively make the students “ action and thought active . the effect of apotheosis is great . scientists “ thinking , action and sentiment will affect students “ thinking deeply at length and play a great role in students “ usual behavior 榜樣的力量是無窮的,科學家們的思想、行為、情操在一次次被學生所認識,所理解,到欽佩,到模仿,最終會深刻影響學生們的思想觀念,并在學生的日常行為中得以體現。

He had entitled the story “ adventure , “ and it was the apotheosis of adventure - not of the adventure of the storybooks , but of real adventure , the savage taskmaster , awful of punishment and awful of reward , faithless and whimsical , demanding terrible patience and heartbreaking days and nights of toil , offering the blazing sunlight glory or dark death at the end of thirst and famine or of the long drag and monstrous delirium of rotting fever , through blood and sweat and stinging insects leading up by long chains of petty and ignoble contacts to royal culminations and lordly achievements 信心不足,多次反復要求著可怕的耐性和在辛酸的日夜里的勤勞苦作。面前或是耀眼的燦爛陽光,或是忍饑受渴之后的漆黑的死亡,或是長期高燒,形銷骨立,精神嚴重錯亂而死。通過血與汗,蚊叮蟲咬,通過一串又一串瑣碎平凡的交鋒,終于到達了輝煌的結局,取得了壯麗的成就。

Llsv ( 1999 ) made demonstration research on 27 developed market economy countries “ ownership structure and found out the complete separation of proprietorship and control rights was simply a conception and apotheosis even in the largest corporate Llsv ( 1999 )對27個成熟市場經濟國家的所有權結構進行了實證研究,他們發現即使是在規模最大的企業中,完全的兩權分離只是一個概念和神化。


The king ' s palace hotel is located in the maidi prosperity and busy business district , there are 20 floors in the high building . the total construction square is about 23 , 000 square meters , it is extremely personality international four - star refinement hotel , its designed style is novelty leading , we may call it works of apotheosis 惠州市隆泰金都酒店位于市區最繁華的麥地商業區,樓高20層、總建筑面積達2 . 3萬平方米,是一幢很有個性的國際四星級精品酒店,設計理念新穎超前,極少數后現代風格,可稱典范之作。

Managing the bioscientific history in teaching process can effectively make the students “ action and thought active . the effect of apotheosis is great . scientists “ thinking , action and sentiment will affect students “ thinking deeply at length and play a great role in students “ usual behavior 榜樣的力量是無窮的,科學家們的思想、行為、情操在一次次被學生所認識,所理解,到欽佩,到模仿,最終會深刻影響學生們的思想觀念,并在學生的日常行為中得以體現。

This , incidentally , is how i first saw the south german and danubian paintings that led me back from the nineteenth century to the fifteenth , and northwards from bavaria to the netherlands , then on again to my apotheosis in the late spring of 1565 , in a rich valley beneath the snowcapped peaks of the flemish alps 就這樣,我首次看到了南日耳曼和多瑙河的繪畫,它們引我從十九世紀退回十五世紀,從巴伐利亞往北走到荷蘭,然后再引我于1565年春末,到達弗蘭德阿爾卑斯山的雪峰下肥沃山谷中我心中的至善之地。

After the financial crisis in southeast asia , the east asia mode that once has been considered broadly as apotheosis of successful gradual reform was to some extent antiquated . people started to reexamine the practices of interest rate policy reform that had been carried out in different countries , including east asian countries 東南亞金融危機之后,曾經被廣泛認為是漸進式改革成功典范的“東亞模式”的神圣光環也不復存在,人們開始對包括東亞各國在內的各國改革實踐進行了深刻的反思。

He had entitled the story “ adventure , “ and it was the apotheosis of adventure - not of the adventure of the storybooks , but of real adventure , the savage taskmaster , awful of punishment and awful of reward , faithless and whimsical , demanding terrible patience and heartbreaking days and nights of toil , offering the blazing sunlight glory or dark death at the end of thirst and famine or of the long drag and monstrous delirium of rotting fever , through blood and sweat and stinging insects leading up by long chains of petty and ignoble contacts to royal culminations and lordly achievements 信心不足,多次反復要求著可怕的耐性和在辛酸的日夜里的勤勞苦作。面前或是耀眼的燦爛陽光,或是忍饑受渴之后的漆黑的死亡,或是長期高燒,形銷骨立,精神嚴重錯亂而死。通過血與汗,蚊叮蟲咬,通過一串又一串瑣碎平凡的交鋒,終于到達了輝煌的結局,取得了壯麗的成就。

Llsv ( 1999 ) made demonstration research on 27 developed market economy countries “ ownership structure and found out the complete separation of proprietorship and control rights was simply a conception and apotheosis even in the largest corporate Llsv ( 1999 )對27個成熟市場經濟國家的所有權結構進行了實證研究,他們發現即使是在規模最大的企業中,完全的兩權分離只是一個概念和神化。

To inheriting tenet of soered as own duty , providing perfect solutions for the clients in order to enables her to continue forever , may become apotheosis after hundred years and has everlasting life , to creating benefit for social development permanently 以傳承soered項目宗旨為己任,為客戶完美地解決問題,以便使她可以永續經營,成為百年之后的典范組織,恒久地為社會發展創造福祉。

So begins the chapter headed “ voice and body : bach ' s solo cello suites as an apotheosis of the dance ” in wilfrid mellers ' book bach and the dance of god 維爾福雷德?米勒斯在?巴赫與上帝之舞?一書中的“聲音與身體:巴赫的大提琴獨奏奏鳴曲,神化了的舞曲”一章中,是這樣開頭的。

Qing dynasty paid more attention to the legislation of mongolia , the quantity and quality of legislation are all apotheosis of natiomal legislation in the history 摘要清代非常重視對蒙古族的立法,其立法數量和質量都是我國歷史上民族立法的典范。

This engine is a apotheosis of the long - stroke engines . it can provide the vehicle with strong power and will be the perfect engine for some top grade vehicles 長行程發動機設計典范,提供強勁的扭矩輸出,是高檔太子車的完美動力。

The scabbard point and flying rings are newly made ? the scabbard seems to be matched afterward . the shape and handiwork are apotheosis of double - edge dao 鞘口和一吊環是新作?刀鞘也象是后配物.刀型和做工皆為雙刀典范

Of course someone else might argue that a box of fine swiss milk chocolates is the apotheosis of the art of chocolate 當然,也會有人說一盒香濃的瑞士牛奶巧克力才是巧克力藝術的典范。

At the moment , the chinese scholars ' studies on the belief of law are actually the apotheosis of the law 摘要當下中國學者的法律信仰研究的理論前設和結果實際上是對法律的神化。

The teacher ' s work is to impart knowledge and educate people . it is sacred , but not is what apotheosis 教師的工作是教書、育人,它是神圣的,但不是神化的。

“ lady with a mirror ” was called “ an apotheosis of seeing ” by the late art historian , otto pacht “執鏡仕女”被后世的歷史學家奧托帕赫茨譽為“視覺的神化” 。

Xie lingyun had a great achievement in his poetic language innovation and was hailed as an apotheosis 摘要謝靈運在詩歌語言的創新上成就巨大,頗具典范意義。