
apothegm n.格言。adj.-atic

There are many progressive and reasonable factors in official apothegms , many of which are worth to summarize , inherit and develop . “ serving for the people “ is of great referential significance for us to implement the important thought of “ three represents “ thoroughly , work for the public and serve for the people 摘要中國古代的“官箴”中不乏進步合理的因素,許多箴言值得我們認真總結、批判繼承和發揚,其中的“民本觀”對于我們全面貫徹“三個代表”重要思想,堅持立黨為公、執政為民,具有十分寶貴的借鑒意義。

The official apothegms of ancient times bring us beneficial enlightenment to set up “ serving for the people “ 古代“官箴”為我們樹立“民本觀”提供了不少有益的啟示。


There are many progressive and reasonable factors in official apothegms , many of which are worth to summarize , inherit and develop . “ serving for the people “ is of great referential significance for us to implement the important thought of “ three represents “ thoroughly , work for the public and serve for the people 摘要中國古代的“官箴”中不乏進步合理的因素,許多箴言值得我們認真總結、批判繼承和發揚,其中的“民本觀”對于我們全面貫徹“三個代表”重要思想,堅持立黨為公、執政為民,具有十分寶貴的借鑒意義。

A habit reprehensible at puberty is second nature and an opprobium in middlelife . if he must dispense his balm of gilead in nostrums and apothegms of dubious taste to restore to health a generation of unfledged profligates let his practice consist better with the doctrines that now engross him 倘若彼一定要將基列香油202這一效驗可疑之秘方與“金科玉律” ,分發給一代乳臭未干之蕩子,以促使彼等康復,則應使彼之行為與正全力奉行之教義相一致。

The official apothegms of ancient times bring us beneficial enlightenment to set up “ serving for the people “ 古代“官箴”為我們樹立“民本觀”提供了不少有益的啟示。