
apothecary n.1.藥劑師;藥房老板。2.藥房。短語和例子apoth...


At all events , the health of the good town of boston , so far as medicine had aught to do with it , had hitherto lain in the guardianship of an aged deacon and apothecary , whose piety and godly deportment were stronger testimonials in his favour than any that he could have produced in the shape of a diploma 無論如何,波士頓這座美好城鎮的健康,凡涉及醫學二字的,以往全都置于一位年老的教會執事兼任藥劑師的監督之下,他那駕信宗教的舉止就是明證,比起靠一紙文憑配出的藥劑,更能贏得人們的信賴。

The schoolboy whips his taxed top ; the breadless youth manages his taxed horse , with a taxed bridle , on a taxed road ; and the dying englishman , pouring his medicine , which has paid 7 percent , into a spoon which has paid 15 percent , flings himself back upon his chintz bed , which has paid 22 percent , and expires in the arms of an apothecary who has paid a license of a hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death 小學生抽打著交了稅的陀螺;小伙子用交了稅的韁繩,在一條交了稅的公路上駕馭著(用著交了稅的籠頭)的交了稅的馬;一個奄奄一息的英國人,將他的交了7 %的稅的藥倒在交了15 %的稅的勺子里,然后躺在交了22 %的稅的棉床上,在藥劑師的懷抱中終于斷了氣,而那個藥劑師為了能夠讓他死亡花了100英鎊在證書上。

Bessie had been down into the kitchen , and she brought up with her a t ? ; b ? of abbot , for instance , would have been , i scrutinised the face of the gentleman : i knew him ; it was mr . lloyd , an apothecary , sometimes called in by mrs . reed when the servants were ailing : for herself and the children she employed a physician 我知道房間里有一個生人,一個不屬于蓋茨黑德府也不與里德太太拈親帶故的人。這時,我感到了一種難以言表的寬慰,一種確徐堂啊,永遠是歸宿和安息之所,上帝是可憐孤兒的朋友。

All events , the health of the good town of boston , so far as medicine had aught to do with it , had hitherto lain in the guardianship of an aged deacon and apothecary , whose piety and godly 無論如何,波士頓這座美好城鎮的健康,凡涉及醫學二字的,以往全都置于一位年老的教會執事兼任藥劑師的監督之下,他那駕信宗教的舉止就是明證,比起靠一紙文憑配出的藥劑,更能贏得人們的信賴。

She would not listen therefore to her daughter s proposal of being carried home ; neither did the apothecary , who arrived about the same time , think it at all advisable 所以她的女兒一提起要她帶她回家去,她聽也不要聽,況且那位差不多跟她同時來到的醫生,也認為搬回去不是個好辦法。

Doctor , our only danger will be from drug or pill ; more by token , as there is a lot of apothecary s stuff aboard , which i traded for with a spanish vessel . 有了船上的外科醫生和另外這位醫生,我們唯一的危險就差藥劑或藥丸了其實,我船上還有一大批藥物,是跟一艘西班牙船換的。 ”

Through an arcane mix of alchemy and necromancy - the royal apothecary society has raised numerous fallen steeds to serve as mounts for the vengeful dead 通過一種結合了煉金術與巫術的神秘法術,皇家藥劑師協會已喚醒了為數不少的戰馬來為復仇心切的亡者們服務。

H is an herb shop , a native apothecary or chinese druggist . its ranks are gradually thinning because imported herbs are banned 是中草藥鋪,就是天然草藥商或是中藥商。藥鋪的規模一般都不是很大,因為美國禁止一些藥材進口。

Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour : so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour 1死蒼蠅,使作香的膏油發出臭氣。這樣,一點愚昧,也能敗壞智慧和尊榮。

Living in the house of an apothecary called clark , young isaac showed a keen interest in the man ' s chemistry books and laboratory 少年艾薩克住在一位名叫克拉克的藥劑師家,他對克拉克的化學書籍和實驗室表現出濃厚的興趣。

That was the name apothecaries gave to the activity of collecting plants that time and tradition had shown possessed useful medical properties 藥劑師就是給與那些采集植物并擁有這些醫學價值的人的稱謂。

Mrs . lovett : she poisoned herself . arsenic from the apothecary around the corner . . . and he ' s got your daughter 洛薇特夫人:她服毒自盡了,是從街拐角的藥劑師那里得到的砒霜… …他接管了你的女兒。

Next unto him also repaired hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries , and they fortified jerusalem unto the broad wall 其次是作香的哈拿尼雅修造這些人修堅耶路撒冷、直到寬墻。

The apothecary [ / color ] in diagon alley is where many witches and wizards buy their potion - making supplies 很多男女巫師都在對角巷的藥店[ / color ]里買他們的魔藥制作原料。

Apothecary such mortal drugs i have ; but mantua ' s law is death to any he that utters them 藥劑師我有這種致命的藥,但曼圖亞的法律對提供這種藥的人處以死刑。

The only men who know their latin are the apothecaries , the lawyers , and the latin professors 懂拉丁的人只有藥劑師律師和拉丁文老師。

Oz . apoth ounce apothecary 藥衡盎司

You can consult apothecary , they can tell you accurate result 你可以去請教藥劑師,他們會告訴你準確答案的。

Apothecary who calls so loud 藥劑師誰這樣高聲喊叫?