
apostrophe n.1.撇號,省字號〔例 can't(= can not...

Extraneous or missing single quotes are a notorious example , even in english for example , “ the process didnt complete “ has a missing apostrophe , while “ the process didn t complete “ has an extra apostrophe 多余的或遺漏的單引號是一個眾所周知的示例,即使在英語中也是如此(例如, “ the process didnt complete ”遺漏了一個撇號,而“ the process didn t complete ”則多出了一個撇號) 。

The simpsons only popularized the term ; it was actually used extensively in the 1950s , the oed found . although it is often spelled “ d ' oh , “ the dictionary chose to omit the apostrophe 其實這個單詞早在20世紀50年代就已經形成并被使用,直到辛普森把它當成口頭禪,才使“ doh “變得家喻戶曉。

Note : only the characters “ < “ and “ & “ are strictly illegal in xml . apostrophes , quotation marks and greater than signs are legal , but it is a good habit to replace them 注意:只有“ < “字符和“ & “字符對于xml來說是嚴格禁止使用的。剩下的都是合法的,為了減少出錯,使用實體是一個好習慣。

The attribute value must be given inside apostrophes . or double - quotes “ . “ . if an apostrophe or double - quote is used in the attribute value the opposite delimiter must be used 或者雙引號“ . “之間,如果要在屬性值里面使用單引號或雙引號,那么就必須使用反斜線來進行轉義

Each of these corporate giants has adopted a trend to “ simplify “ its corporate logo by dropping the apostrophe 但這幾家企業龍頭近來都順應潮流,把撇號拿掉,以求簡化企業商標。


Extraneous or missing single quotes are a notorious example , even in english for example , “ the process didnt complete “ has a missing apostrophe , while “ the process didn t complete “ has an extra apostrophe 多余的或遺漏的單引號是一個眾所周知的示例,即使在英語中也是如此(例如, “ the process didnt complete ”遺漏了一個撇號,而“ the process didn t complete ”則多出了一個撇號) 。

Have i used apostrophes to show possession for nouns ? have i used apostrophes to show contractions with pronouns ( if that level of informality is appropriate for your paper ) 我用了撇號來表示名詞所有格了嗎?假如我的文章并不需要用詞正式,當有代詞修飾縮約詞時,我用了撇號來表示縮約詞了嗎?

The simpsons only popularized the term ; it was actually used extensively in the 1950s , the oed found . although it is often spelled “ d ' oh , “ the dictionary chose to omit the apostrophe 其實這個單詞早在20世紀50年代就已經形成并被使用,直到辛普森把它當成口頭禪,才使“ doh “變得家喻戶曉。

Note : only the characters “ < “ and “ & “ are strictly illegal in xml . apostrophes , quotation marks and greater than signs are legal , but it is a good habit to replace them 注意:只有“ < “字符和“ & “字符對于xml來說是嚴格禁止使用的。剩下的都是合法的,為了減少出錯,使用實體是一個好習慣。

End of sentence punctuation is usually correct ; however internal punctuation ( commas , apostrophes , semicolons , dashes , colons , parentheses ) is sometimes missing or wrong 句尾的標點通常正確,然而句中的標點(逗號、引號、分號、破折號、冒號、括號)有時不見了或是錯誤。

The attribute value must be given inside apostrophes . or double - quotes “ . “ . if an apostrophe or double - quote is used in the attribute value the opposite delimiter must be used 或者雙引號“ . “之間,如果要在屬性值里面使用單引號或雙引號,那么就必須使用反斜線來進行轉義

There is often no punctuation at the end of line , as well as mistakes with internal sentence punctuation ( commas , apostrophes , semicolons , dashes , colons , parentheses ) 在句尾經常沒有標點,而在句中的標點(逗號、引號、分號、破折號、冒號、括號)也有錯。

The translator obviously does not know what code will manipulate the translated text , so they must know how to enter required single quotes apostrophes 翻譯人員顯然不知道什么代碼將操作翻譯的文本,因此他們必須知道如何輸入所需的單引號撇號。

The apostrophe protection society , established to defend the punctuation mark ' s place in the english language , is calling on them to mend their ways 為捍衛標點符號在英文中的地位而設立的撇號保護協會,呼吁這些公司應改過自新。

Surprisingly , it will even reject the name of washington d . c . s planner , pierre l enfant , because it doesn t allow the apostrophe 令人驚訝的是,它甚至還會拒絕washington d . c .的規劃者pierre l enfant的名字,因為它不允許撇號。

Specifies whether the comparison sorts all punctuation symbols , except the hyphen and apostrophe , before the alphanumeric characters 指定比較是否對標點符號排序,并將除了連字符和撇號外的所有標點符號排在字母數字字符之前。

Some of the biggest names on britain ' s high streets are being condemned for deliberately contributing to the demise of the apostrophe 英國主要商店街上數家最知名的公司行號現正遭到譴責,指責他們故意造成撇號的消失。

Since strings can be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks , you can quote something that contains quote marks or apostrophes 由于字符串可以用單引號或雙引號引起來,因此可以引用包含引號或撇號的內容。

If a literal string is delimited by double quotation marks , the string can contain embedded single quotation marks , such as apostrophes 如果文字字符串由雙引號分隔,則可以在字符串中包含嵌入式單引號,如省略號。