
apostolic adj.1.使徒的。2.適合使徒教義的。3.使徒傳來的。...

In order that the faithful may acquire a deeper knowledge and a more intense love of the eucharist as an ineffable “ mystery of faith “ , and that they may be enriched with more abundant spiritual fruit , the holy father , by virtue of a decree of the apostolic penitentiary on 25 december 2004 , grants certain indulgences to the faithful during this special year 為使信友于圣體年加深認識和愛慕圣體圣事這不可言喻的信德的奧跡,并使他們獲得更豐富的神益,教宗經宗座圣赦院于二零零四年十二月二十五日發出的一項法令,頒賜圣體年大赦給信友。

The reporters also noted bush ' s relaxed posture , crossing his legs “ texan style “ while facing the pope in the private study of the apostolic palace 記者們還注意到布什總統的姿勢很是休閑,他與教皇單獨探討使徒宮的問題時,竟然以一種“得克薩斯的風格”翹著腿,直對著教皇。

The reporters also noted bush ' s relaxed posture , crossing his legs “ texan style “ while facing the pope in the private study of the apostolic palace 記者們還注意到布什總統的姿勢很是休閑,他與教皇面對面單獨探討使徒宮的問題時,竟然以一種“得克薩斯的風格”翹著“二郎腿” 。

apostolic age

In order that the faithful may acquire a deeper knowledge and a more intense love of the eucharist as an ineffable “ mystery of faith “ , and that they may be enriched with more abundant spiritual fruit , the holy father , by virtue of a decree of the apostolic penitentiary on 25 december 2004 , grants certain indulgences to the faithful during this special year 為使信友于圣體年加深認識和愛慕圣體圣事這不可言喻的信德的奧跡,并使他們獲得更豐富的神益,教宗經宗座圣赦院于二零零四年十二月二十五日發出的一項法令,頒賜圣體年大赦給信友。

2 . every time , at the end of the day , when the clergy , members of institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life and the other faithful bound by law to recite the liturgy of the hours , as well as those who are accustomed to praying the divine office for pure devotion , recite vespers and compline note 2 .所有圣職人員獻身生活會及使徒生活團的成員,以及其他依法有義務誦念時辰頌禱日課的信友,及純出于熱心而慣常每日誦念時辰頌禱的信友,于黃昏時分以團體或私人方式,在顯供或保存于圣體內的圣體前誦念晚禱vespers及夜禱compline

God s precepts of charity in your heart were visited on old people forgotten by the powers that be of this life , little orphans who thirst for love , the museum of armenian genocide , the dilapidated apostolic church , and the victims of natural disaster 您的來訪實踐了上帝要行善的誡律,那些被世人遺忘了的老人們渴望得到關懷的孤兒們,還有亞美尼亞茲澤納卡伯紀念館和待整修的使徒教堂,以及天災災民,皆蒙受您的關愛。

It is when ministers and people waken up to the consciousness that the power and blessing of the holy ghost is waiting for their united and unceasing prayer , that the church will begin to know something of what pentecostal apostolic christianity is 唯有當神的仆人與百姓能醒悟過來知道圣靈的權能與祝福有賴于他們同心合意恒切的禱告時,教會才能真實地明白什么是五旬節使徒時期的教會。

I . according to the above - mentioned decree of the apostolic penitentiary , the faithful who fulfill the conditions under section a and perform one of the following works may gain a plenary indulgence 一按照宗座圣赦院上述法令,符合甲項條件并履行下列其中一項善工的信友,可獲全大赦:

The reporters also noted bush ' s relaxed posture , crossing his legs “ texan style “ while facing the pope in the private study of the apostolic palace 記者們還注意到布什總統的姿勢很是休閑,他與教皇單獨探討使徒宮的問題時,竟然以一種“得克薩斯的風格”翹著腿,直對著教皇。

The reporters also noted bush ' s relaxed posture , crossing his legs “ texan style “ while facing the pope in the private study of the apostolic palace 記者們還注意到布什總統的姿勢很是休閑,他與教皇面對面單獨探討使徒宮的問題時,竟然以一種“得克薩斯的風格”翹著“二郎腿” 。

After departing from the mayor s office , supreme master ching hai was invited to visit holy etchmiadzin , the first and most famous armenian apostolic church 離開市長辦公室后,清海無上師應邀去拜訪圣伊須米辛教堂,這是亞美尼亞最古老最著名的使徒教堂。

These fathers , otherwise so apostolic , lacked heaven s last and rarest attestation of their office , the tongue of flame 這些本來可以成為圣徒的神父們,缺乏的就是上天賜給他們行使職務的最后也是最難得的一個資格,即傘焰的舌頭。

Of the apostolic penitentiary on 25 december 2004 , grants certain indulgences to the faithful during this special year 該次會議的議題為:感恩祭是教會生活及使命的泉源與頂峰。

Visiting the holy etchmiadzin church , first official christian church and headquarters of the armenian apostolic church 訪問圣伊須米辛教堂-第一座基督教教堂,也是

She might just now have been apostolic charity herself returned to a self - seeking modern world 現在她自己也許就是圣徒式的博愛,又回到了自私自利的現代社會了。

A summary of the spread of the cicm mission in the apostolic vicariate of southwest mongolia during the late qing dynasty 晚清圣母圣心會西南蒙古教區傳教述論

It is a mystical estate , an apostolic succession , from only begetter to only begotten 那是從唯一的父到唯一的子之間的神秘等級,是使徒所繼承下來的。

To : all parish priests , major superiors of religious institutes and societies of apostolic life 致:堂區主任司鐸修會會長及使徒生活團會長

Apostolic faith mission 使徒信心會