
apostle n.1.〔A-〕【基督教】(《圣經》中所講的)使徒。2....

The apostles came to jesus and they said , “ lord , teach us to pray . 的相同問題:主,請教導我們禱告。

I spoke with the dignity of an “ apostle . 想維護使徒的尊嚴。

The apostles said to the lord , “ increase our faith ! 路17 : 5使徒對主說、求主加增我們的信心。

“ and how found you that godly man , the apostle eliot “你看那位圣潔的艾略特使徒可好啊?

The apostle says, “let every one abide in the condition in which he is called. “ 圣徒說,“人人都應該安分守已。”

apostle spoon

What things in the church does the council of the twelve apostles supervise 十二使徒議會負責教會的哪些事情?

For which i was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher 11我為這福音被派作傳揚者,作使徒,作教師。

St . john the apostle mass centre 圣若望宗徒彌撒中心

For i suppose i was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles 5但我想,我一點不在那些最大的使徒以下。

The apostles came to jesus and they said , “ lord , teach us to pray . 的相同問題:主,請教導我們禱告。

When the hour came , jesus and his apostles reclined at the table 14時候到了,耶穌坐席,使徒也和他同坐。

St . matthew the apostle mass centre 圣瑪竇宗徒彌撒中心

Lk . 17 : 5 and the apostles said to the lord , increase our faith 路十七5使徒對主說,求主增加我們的信心。

Oh , my god ! l ' m the 12th apostle 天那!我是第12信徒?

Queen of the apostles . - pray for him 使徒之后為他祈禱

The apostles and the elders came together to look into this matter 徒15 : 6使徒和長老、聚會商議這事。

I spoke with the dignity of an “ apostle . 想維護使徒的尊嚴。

The apostles had seen the risen christ 使徒們看見復活的基督。

The apostles peter and paul lived at the same time as jesus 使徒彼得和使徒保羅生活在同一時期。