
apostatize vi.棄教;脫黨;變節。


“ indulge never in money and rank , apostatize never when in poverty and hardship , surrender never to power and force . ” in times of national crisis , this formidable mettle and dauntless integrity prompt china ' s sons and daughters to go through fire and water with the courage of despair , making the anti - japanese war moving and praise - worthy “富貴不能淫,貧賤不能移,威武不能屈” ,在民族患難的時代,這種浩然之氣概,不屈之節操,激勵著中華兒女赴湯蹈火,殊死奮戰,使救亡圖存成為可歌可泣、英勇卓絕的斗爭。

If she apostatized now, having been brought up in the church, she would go to hell . 即使她這時背叛原來的宗教信仰,由于從小受的是天主教教育,她也得下地獄。

He apostatized from his party . 他脫離他的政黨。