
apostate adj.背教的;脫黨的;變節的;放棄信仰的。n.背教者,...


Thus , beginning with the fifteenth century , where our story finds us , paris had already outgrown the three concentric circles of walls which , from the time of julian the apostate , existed , so to speak , in germ in the grand - chatelet and the petit - chatelet 因此,我們暫且就以十五世紀來說吧,那時巴黎就已經沖破那三道同心圓的城垣了,遠在叛教者朱利安時代,大堡和小堡就可以說是這三道城垣的胚胎了。

That is why he is sending this giant planet x or niburu by as the destroyer to put an end to all you workers of iniquity all over this earth as members of the new world order joined to this apostate one world religion headed by the vatican pope 這就是為什麼?差遣了作為毀滅者的行星x獵般胡來終結全地的象你這樣的不法工人,也就是那些與以?帝岡教宗為首的變節的世界單一宗教媾和的新世界秩序的成員。

Go and proclaim these words to the north , and say , return , o israel the apostate , declares jehovah ; and i will not let my countenance fall toward you ; for i am merciful , declares jehovah ; i will not keep my anger forever 12你去向北方宣告這些話,說,耶和華說,背道的以色列阿,回來罷;我必不向你們變臉;因為我是有憐憫的,我必不永遠存怒;這是耶和華說的。

And i saw that because of all the adultery that israel the apostate committed i divorced her and gave her a certificate of divorce , yet her sister judah the treacherous did not fear but went and committed fornication also 8因背道的以色列所犯的一切奸淫,我給她休書休了她;但她奸詐的妹妹猶大還不懼怕,也去行淫。

And jehovah said to me , israel the apostate has shown herself to be more righteous than judah the treacherous 11耶和華對我說,背道的以色列,比奸詐的猶大還顯為義。

Ha - ha - i m awfully glad you have made an apostate of me all the same 哈哈你讓我離經叛道,我還是同樣高興壞了!

I'm awfully glad you have made an apostate of me all the same ! 你雖然讓我離經叛道,我還是一樣地樂不可支!

He is an apostate from christianity . 他是一個基督教的背信者。