
apostasy n.背教;脫黨;變節;放棄信仰。

“ your own wickedness will correct you , and your apostasies will reprove you ; know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the lord your god , and the dread of me is not in you , “ declares the lord god of hosts 耶2 : 19你自己的惡、必懲治你、你背道的事、必責備你由此可知可見你離棄耶和華你的神、不存敬畏我的心、乃為惡事、為苦事、這是主萬軍之耶和華說的。

“ although our iniquities testify against us , o lord , act for your name ' s sake ! truly our apostasies have been many , we have sinned against you 耶14 : 7耶和華阿、我們的罪孽、雖然作見證告我們、還求你為你名的緣故行事我們本是多次背道、得罪了你。

“ why then has this people , jerusalem , turned away in continual apostasy ? they hold fast to deceit , they refuse to return 耶8 : 5這耶路撒冷的民、為何恒久背道呢他們守定詭詐、不肯回頭。


But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death , because he has advocated apostasy from jehovah your god , who brought you out of the land of egypt and ransomed you from the slave house , in order to force you out of the way in which jehovah your god has commanded you to walk 5那申言者或是那作夢的,既用言語叛逆那領你們出埃及地,救贖你脫離為奴之家的耶和華你們的神,要勾引你離開耶和華你神所吩咐你行的道路,他就要被處死。

“ your own wickedness will correct you , and your apostasies will reprove you ; know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the lord your god , and the dread of me is not in you , “ declares the lord god of hosts 耶2 : 19你自己的惡、必懲治你、你背道的事、必責備你由此可知可見你離棄耶和華你的神、不存敬畏我的心、乃為惡事、為苦事、這是主萬軍之耶和華說的。

Acts 21 : 21 and they have been informed concerning you that you are teaching all the jews throughout the nations apostasy from moses , telling them not to circumcise their children , nor to walk according to the customs 徒二一21他們聽說,你教訓一切在外邦的猶太人背棄摩西,對他們說,不要給孩子行割禮,也不要遵行規例。

A leopard is watching their cities ; everyone who goes out from them will be torn in pieces ; because they multiplied their transgressions , and their apostasies are great in number 豹子要窺伺他們的城,凡出城的必被撕碎;因為他們的過犯極多,背道的事也大大加增。

The assurance of salvation : its basis ( westminster confession , chapter 18 ) . false faith . ( hebrews 6 : 4 - 5 ; john owen , apostasy from the gospel ) 得救的確據的根據( 《威敏斯特信仰告白》第十八章) ;假信心。約翰歐文, 《背離福音》 (中譯本?只在網上。 )

“ although our iniquities testify against us , o lord , act for your name ' s sake ! truly our apostasies have been many , we have sinned against you 耶14 : 7耶和華阿、我們的罪孽、雖然作見證告我們、還求你為你名的緣故行事我們本是多次背道、得罪了你。

Return , o apostate children ; i will heal you of your apostasies . now we come to you , for you are jehovah our god 22背道的兒女阿,回來罷;我要醫治你們背道的病。我們來到你這里,因你是耶和華我們的神。

“ why then has this people , jerusalem , turned away in continual apostasy ? they hold fast to deceit , they refuse to return 耶8 : 5這耶路撒冷的民、為何恒久背道呢他們守定詭詐、不肯回頭。

Why has this people jerusalem turned away in perpetual apostasy ? they hold fast to deceit ; they refuse to turn back 5這耶路撒冷的民,為何恒久背道呢?他們持定詭詐,不肯回頭。

But fatwas of apostasy and heresy as well as kufr within the muslim ummah are neither few nor far in between 但變節和異端邪說fatwas并且kufr在回教ummah之內之間是不少數亦不。

I will heal their apostasy , i will love them freely , for my anger has turned away from them 何14 : 4我必醫治他們背道的病、甘心愛他們、因為我的怒氣向他們轉消。

This was what he had got by apostasy , and his punishment was deserved 現在正是他違背了他的原則的結果,是他應受的懲罰。

Your own wickedness will correct you , and your apostasies will reprove you 19你自己的惡必懲治你,你背道的事必責備你。

He was looked down upon for apostasy . 他因背教而受輕視。