
aport adv.【航海】在左舷。 put the helm ap...


2 . sritable for revolve aport and swing sport when under heavy weight and slow speed , aswell the ccoasion that not form fluid impetus lubrication because of frequently open and closed in the course of loading 2適用于高載低速下的旋轉運動搖擺運動及經常在超負荷下啟閉頻繁而不易形成流體動力潤滑的場合。

Aport on the st lawrence river in quebec . it is said that when one alights on this port , they are stepping from france into canada 位于魁北克城中的圣羅倫斯河港口。據傳,在16世紀法國人就是從這里第一次登陸了加拿大這片富饒的國土。

They are club - hauling ! hard aport ! raise the starboard oars . - hard aport -他們回轉了!固定左舷!收起右舷的船槳. -固定左舷

Hard aport . rack the starboard oars 左舷急轉!收回右舷長槳!