
apoplexy n.【醫學】中風,卒中。 cerebral apople...

“ nearly . “ it is difficult to believe that it was apoplexy , “ said beauchamp “據說是腦充血,也許是中風,那兩種病癥差不多的,是不是? ”


Clinical observation on method of clearing away heat and toxic material in treating fever after apoplexy 清熱解毒法治療中風后高熱臨床觀察

“ nearly . “ it is difficult to believe that it was apoplexy , “ said beauchamp “據說是腦充血,也許是中風,那兩種病癥差不多的,是不是? ”

Clinical observation on the treatment of 50 cases of ischemic apoplexy with tongnaofuyuan decoction 通腦復元湯治療缺血性中風50例臨床觀察

But haste was all in vain . the captain had been struck dead by thundering apoplexy 但是再快也無濟于事了,船長由于中風,已經一命嗚呼了。

You see this is a fit of apoplexy , and he might be saved if he could but be bled ! 你看這象是中風,如果能夠給他放血,大概他還有救。 ”

Observation on therapeutic effect of point - through - point acupunture on strephenopodia after apoplexy 透穴刺法治療中風后足內翻療效觀察

Clinical observation on treatment for 818 cases of acute ischemic apoplexy by multiple ways 綜合療法治療急性缺血性中風病818例臨床研究

Correlative study of apoplexy syndrome classification and clinical qualitative evaluation 腦卒中的辨證分型與臨床定量評定的相關性研究

Risk assessment of hospital acquired pneumonia in senile patients with cerebral apoplexy 腦卒中老年患者醫院獲得性肺炎相關因素分析

Treatment of hemiparalysis after apoplexy with integrative acupuncture and drugs , a report of 93 cases 針藥結合治療中風后偏癱93例

The early nursing intervention for swallow obstacle for patient after acute cerebral apoplexy 急性腦卒中后吞咽障礙的早期護理干預

Research generalization of acupuncture therapy of spastic limbs patient with cerebral apoplexy 針灸抗腦卒中后肢體痙攣的研究概況

Effect on functioal recoveny in cerebral apoplexy patients by early convalescent nursing 早期康復護理對腦卒中偏癱功能恢復的影響

Clinical study on ischemic apoplexy treated by combination of tcm with western medicine 中西醫結合治療急性缺血性中風的臨床研究

Treating 150 cases of apoplexy with acupuncture of selecting points according to different times 擇時取穴針灸法治療中風病150例

Clinical curative observation on 58 cases of cerebral apoplexy treated by zhongfeng mixture 中風合劑治療腦卒中58例臨床療效觀察

Effect of acupuncture on heart rate variability of secondary brain - heart syndrome of apoplexy 中醫藥對心率變異性影響的研究進展

Cases of lower limb disorder of apoplexy treated by dark tortoise seeking hole therapy 蒼龜探穴治療中風下肢功能障礙126例126