
apology n.1.辯解,辯護。2.道歉,賠不是。3.〔口語〕臨時湊...

“we have heard sir john admire it excessively,“ said lucy, who seemed to think some apology necessary for the freedom of her sister . “我們曾聽到約翰爵士極度贊揚過它。”露茜說,她似乎認為有必要為她姐姐的放肆進行道歉。


He ' d need more than an apology to win you back 僅僅一個道歉不足以讓你回到他身邊。

At the end of the statement , mr to bowed in apology 發表聲明后,涂謹申鞠躬道歉。

A sincere apology is just a manipulating tactic , 真誠的向他道歉這個戰術委婉而巧妙

In my judgement , we should accept their apology 依我看,我們應該接受他們的道歉。

Please accept our sincere apology for the inconvenience 不便之處,敬請見諒!

I owe you an apology for what i did last night 我應該為昨天晚上的事向你道歉

He made an apology to me for hurting my feelings 他因傷害了我的感情而向我道歉

Ed horman : now , erm , i owe you an apology 伊德?霍曼:現在,嗯,我應該向你道歉。

In my judgment , we should accept their apology 依我看,我們應該接受他們的道歉。

It was lassitude s apology to energy 這是無精打采的人面對精力充沛的人找的托辭。

I don ' t know if my apology will solve everything 不知道我的道歉是否可以解決一切

Please accept my sincerest and deepest apology 請接受我最誠摯、最深刻的道歉。

We also offer mr . ray charles a public apology 另外我們也向雷?查爾斯先生公開致歉

He made an apology to me for hurting my fee * * * s 他因傷害了我的感情而向我道歉。

And i owe you , i owe all of you an apology 并且我欠你們我欠你們所有人一個道歉

When huxter commenced his attack, that free-spoken young gentleman had not seen who was his opponent, and directly he was aware that it was arthur whom he had insulted, he began to make apologies . 赫克斯特開始吵架那會兒,沒有注意對方是誰,但這位口沒遮攔的年輕人馬上發現,他是侮辱了亞瑟,于是趕緊表示歉意。

Mr. knightley, who had nothing of ceremony about him, was offering by his short, decided answers, an amusing contrast to the protracted apologies and civil hesitations of the other . 南特利先生是不拘形式的,他的簡短而果斷的回答,跟另一位冗長的道歉和客氣的羅嗦恰恰成了有趣的對比。

“we have heard sir john admire it excessively,“ said lucy, who seemed to think some apology necessary for the freedom of her sister . “我們曾聽到約翰爵士極度贊揚過它。”露茜說,她似乎認為有必要為她姐姐的放肆進行道歉。