
apologue n.寓言,富有教育意義的故事。


Our worthy acquaintance , mr malachi mulligan , now appeared in the doorway as the students were finishing their apologue accompanied with a friend whom he had just rencountered , a young gentleman , his name alec bannon , who had late come to town , it being his intention to buy a colour or a cornetcy in the fencibles and list for the wars 學生們之寓言行將結束時,吾等畏友瑪拉基穆利根先生偕初邂逅之友出現于門口,系一青年紳士,名亞歷克班農146也。彼新近進城,報名參軍,欲在國防軍中購一旗手或騎兵旗手之位置147 。

Although ziyang city have a long history , but it have a young development of city construction , the environment landscape of city has many defects although it have many success , in this paper , through examined and analyzed the actuality of ziyang environment landscape , and applied the tenet of combine for theoretic and practice , and used for reference there homologies city ' s suffer and apologue . in this paper , it ' s researched from city ' s natural landscape system , man - made landscape system and dimensional landscape system , to instruct designing of ziyang city ' s landscape build , thus discover a feasible way for knap urban landscape build 本文通過對資陽城市景觀建設現狀調查、分析,運用理論與實踐相結合的原理,借鑒相應特征城市景觀建設的經驗教訓,從城市自然景觀系統、人工景觀系統和空間布局景觀系統三方面進行系統的規劃研究,達到指導資陽城市景觀建設的目的,從而為丘陵城市的景觀建設找到一條切實可行的途徑。