
apologize vi.1.辯解,辯護。2.道歉,認錯,賠不是。短語和例子...


Thank you . i must apologize ! i feel terrible 謝謝。我必須道歉!我感覺糟透了。

I must apologize for not writing to you sooner 我沒有及早給你寫信,真對不起。

Don ' t apologize . i am in no way offended 不用抱歉,我一點都不覺得你冒犯了我。

I apologize for being such a bad correspondent 對不起,我實在是個懶寫信的人。

I told you to apologize and you make me a rapist 我叫你道歉而你讓我成了強奸犯?

I apologize for my rudeness . i am an idiot (我太粗魯了,我道歉,我是白癡。 )

I apologize for intruding on the blue house lately 我為最近闖入“藍宮”而道歉

I ' m sorry . i apologize . - all set , let ' s go , come on 我賠禮道歉-好了吧,我們走

I apologize . father , as emily ' s parish priest 我道歉神父,作為愛米麗教區的牧師

I apologize . it ' s a new generation , different manners 我道歉,新一代,新取向

Just start apologizing and crying . no , play it cool 懺悔吧,哭吧,不,鎮定下來

Iwant to apologize . is there anything i can do 我想向你道歉,有什么我能做的嗎?

I ' d like to apologize if i embarrassed you earlier 我想就之前發生的事向您道歉

Michael : don ' t apologize . i ' m happy you ' re coming 不用道歉,我很高興你們來參加

He apologized for turning his back to his guest 他因為轉身怠慢客人而表示道歉。

He apologized for his belated note of condolence to the widow of his friend and explained that he had just learned of her husband's untimely death . 他給他朋友的遺孀的慰問信發遲了,為此他深表歉意;但他解釋說,他是剛剛得悉她丈夫不幸亡故的消息的。

He apologized to his guests for the disorder of the room but at the same time looked at them a little proudly, with a veteran's pride . 他向客人們道歉,說屋里亂糟糟的;但同時,他以老資格自居,帶著些倨傲的神情,打量客人們。

He apologized for interrupting her and quickly left, deeply hurt and terribly confused . 他對于打擾了她表示歉意,很快就離開了,心里感到深為不安,并且覺得極其莫名其妙。

Giles apologized and scolded the boy; but he felt that fates were against him . 基爾斯于是表示道歉,又去罵了那個男孩。可是,他感到這完全是命運在和自己作對。