
apologist n.1.辯解者,辯護者。2.護教學專家(指為基督教信仰進...


The romantic apologists , led by wagner , based their theories largely on the existence of this choral finale ; wagner declared that the very fact that beethoven had to resort to human voices proved the insufficiency of pure instrumental music 華格納所領導的浪漫樂派的辯護者,將合唱終曲的形式建立在他們主要的理論基礎上;華格納公開的表示,確切的說出貝多芬常藉助人聲來輔助純器樂在音樂上的不足。

The word apologists used to describe mr smith was paternalist , and his rhodesia was sometimes cast as nothing worse than a slightly more rough - and - tumble version of the british home counties : surrey with the lunatic fringe on top 辯護者們用于描繪史密斯先生的詞便是“家長做派” ,而且他的羅得西亞時常也被描述成為一個比英國本土城鎮更糟糕透頂的地方:就像英國薩里那樣,由一班狂亂分子掌控。

Therefore it is improper to assign to television the subsidiary role its many apologists ( too often members of the television industry ) insist it plays 因此把電視歸為許多辯解者(通常是電視行業工作者)所堅持說的電視扮演著的附屬的角色是不合理的。

Therefore it is improper to assign to television the subsidiary role its many apologists ( too often members of the television industry ) insist it plays 因此,很多辯護者(通常是電視產業工作者)堅持認為的電視只是扮演一個輔助角色的觀點是錯誤的。

Therefore it is improper to assign to television the subsidiary role its many apologists ( too often members of the television industry ) insist it plays 因此很多辯護者(通常都是電視工業者)宣稱電視所起的作用只是次要的是很不正確的。

Therefore it is improper to assign to televisions many apologists ( too often members of the television industry ) insist it plays 因此,堅持認為電視所扮演的只是附屬的角色顯然是不合理的。

Zhang zhidong an apologist in the late qing dynasty when confucianism was being on the wan 張之洞在晚清儒學沒落過程中的衛道活動

He was also a philosopher , christian apologist , playwright , and poet 他還是一位哲學家、護教家、劇作家和詩人。