
apologetic adj.1.辯護的,辯解的。2.謝罪的,道歉的,認錯的。...

Used interjectionally in informal speech often to emphasize a word or phrase as in “ he was , like , gorgeous “ or for an apologetic , vague , or unassertive effect as in “ i need to , like , borrow some money 語氣感嘆詞,常出現在口語中,用來強調某個詞或表達某種歉意高級的昂貴的運動員上場之前的慣例,這些慣例被認為能帶來“好運”

“ oh , of course , “ said rhoda with an apologetic smile , “ they ' d have to make some decent settlement of that hideous polish business . “啊,當然” ,羅達說著,負疚地微微一笑, “對于可怕的波蘭事件他們總要適當地解決”

The young boy was apologetic . “ please mister . . . please , i ' m sorry . . . i didn ' t know what else to do , “ he pleaded 那個小男孩非常歉疚, “求求你了,先生… …求求你了,非常對不起… …我是不知道該怎么做才扔的, ”他懇求道。

“oh, of course,“ said rhoda with an apologetic smile, “they'd have to make some decent settlement of that hideous polish business. “ “啊,當然”,羅達說著,負疚地微微一笑,“對于可怕的波蘭事件他們總要適當地解決”


Distinct differences are found in four chinese apologetic politeness strategies , i . e . , explanation , direct apology , offer of repair and punishment while difference is only found in one english apologetic politeness strategy , i . e . , explanation 結果發現:漢語致歉行為對社會距離的感知度比英語致歉行為的感知度高;漢語在解釋、直接道歉、補償和求罰等4個策略上,明顯地受社會距離感知動態的影響,而英語只是在解釋這個策略上體現出影響。

So saying he skipped around nimbly , considering frankly , at the same time apologetic , to get on his companion s right , a habit of his , by the by , the right side being , in classical idiom , his tender achilles 這么說著,他出于體貼就矯健地躥到伙伴的右側,并且真心實意地為自己這一習慣表示歉意,因為照古典的說法,右邊是他像阿戲留那樣易受損傷的部位。

Used interjectionally in informal speech often to emphasize a word or phrase as in “ he was , like , gorgeous “ or for an apologetic , vague , or unassertive effect as in “ i need to , like , borrow some money 語氣感嘆詞,常出現在口語中,用來強調某個詞或表達某種歉意高級的昂貴的運動員上場之前的慣例,這些慣例被認為能帶來“好運”

Bloom barefoot , pigeonbreasted , in lascar s vest and trousers , apologetic toes turned in , opens his tiny mole s eyes and looks about him dazedly , passing a slow hand across his forehead 赤腳,雞胸,身著東印度水手的衫褲,歉疚般地將兩腳的大趾頭擺成內八字。睜開鼴鼠般的瞇縫眼兒,茫然四顧,慢騰騰地用一只手撫摩前額。

It is important that this letter does not have an apologetic tone , but deals with the price rise in a matter - of ? fact way and then sweeps aside any concerns by becoming very upbeat and positive 很重要的一點是,信中不要帶有抱歉的語氣,而應以平常的態度處理提價,并通過樂觀、積極的語氣打消客戶的顧慮。

But it is hard to avoid the suspicion that the little country ' s unforgivable offence is being richer and more successful than its neighbours , and not particularly apologetic about it 而問題的結癥還在于,小小的新加坡比周圍的鄰國更加富裕,而且從來不會對由此引發的任何的爭端表示任何歉意。

The boss seemed almost apologetic to opposite number dario gradi at the final whistle , two minutes after young kieran lee broke the home side ' s hearts with his extra - time winner 老板在終場哨吹響的時候甚至對達里奧-格拉比有所歉意,之前2分鐘基蘭-李攻破主隊城門才幫助曼聯加時賽獲勝。

Here every individual commodity is justified in the name of the grandeur of the production of the totality of objects of which the spectacle is an apologetic catalogue 這里的每個個別的商品,都憑全部商品產品莊嚴偉大之權威,都借景觀贊美的商品目錄之美名被證明是正當的。

Protest : we refuse to allow the impression to remain that the negro - american assents to inferiority , is submissive under oppression and apologetic before insults 抗議運動:我們決不容許人們繼續保留這種印象,即美國黑人甘愿低人一等,會在壓迫下退讓,在侮辱面前低三下四。

I got in late and was shown to my room on the ground floor by an apologetic night - clerk with a tallow candle , which he considerately left with me 我住進去時已經很晚了,一個謙卑的夜班管理員拿著一支牛油蠟燭領我看了我在一樓的房間,隨后他體貼地把那蠟燭留給了我。

Be careful not to write in too apologetic or negative a manner , and never hint at the possibility that they might go elsewhere ? if you do , they probably will 不要帶有過分抱歉或消極的語氣,也決不要暗示他們可能到別處購買? ?如果你暗示的話,他們很有可能這樣做!

Dutch thief left an apologetic letter and promised a donation after he realized he was burgling a charity that helps the poor and elderly 荷蘭某位小偷在一家教堂行竊,當他意識到該教堂是專門幫助窮人和老人時,留下了這么一封檢討信,并承諾將來會捐款

I expect that , when doing so , the majority of them will sound rather modest , perhaps even a little apologetic , about their investment performance 年的投資結果。我相信當他們提到自己的投資表現時,態度大多數會比較謙遜,語氣甚至會帶點兒歉意。

Winter had made this speech , half apologetic , to his guest , the then prince of wales . and the prince had replied , in his rather guttural english 文達把這種話向他的貴賓,那時還是威爾士王子,半謝罪地說,那王子用他的帶喉音的英語回答說:

But each time sister li recalls her initiation experience , it is with an apologetic heart . she received initiation under very unusual circumstances 每當李師姊回憶起印心往事,仍舊滿懷歉疚,原來她有一段相當與眾不同的印心過程。