
apollyon n.(地獄中的)魔王。

Molly weasley recalls the night when she and arthur were caught out of their common room taking a moonlight stroll ; she escaped capture , but arthur was caught and punished by the caretaker , apollyon pringle , and “ still has the marks “ [ / color ] ( gf31 ) 莫莉?韋斯萊回憶起有一天晚上她和亞瑟在公共休息室外的月光下散步時被發現了,她順利逃脫,而亞瑟被當時的舍監阿波里昂?普林格抓住了,并且“他身上現在還帶著印記呢” ( [ / color ]火焰杯,第31章) 。


He may be stern ; he may be exacting ; he may be ambitious yet ; but his is the sternness of the warrior greatheart , who guards his pilgrim convoy from the onslaught of apollyon . his is the exaction of the apostle , who speaks but for christ , when he says - whosoever will come after me , let him deny himself , and take up his cross and follow me 他也許很嚴厲,也許很苛刻,也許還雄心勃勃,但他的嚴厲是武士大心一類的嚴厲,大心保衛他所護送的香客,免受亞玻倫人的襲擊,他的苛刻是使徒那種苛刻,他代表上帝說: “若有人要跟從我,就當舍己,背起他的十字架來跟從我。 ”

Molly weasley recalls the night when she and arthur were caught out of their common room taking a moonlight stroll ; she escaped capture , but arthur was caught and punished by the caretaker , apollyon pringle , and “ still has the marks “ [ / color ] ( gf31 ) 莫莉?韋斯萊回憶起有一天晚上她和亞瑟在公共休息室外的月光下散步時被發現了,她順利逃脫,而亞瑟被當時的舍監阿波里昂?普林格抓住了,并且“他身上現在還帶著印記呢” ( [ / color ]火焰杯,第31章) 。