
apolitical adj.1.非政治的,無關政治的。2.不關心政治的。ad...

Since these two models - the apolitical on demand business environment and the political enterprise - are diametrically opposed , we need technology that encourages enterprise “ kingdoms “ to share their resources 由于這兩種模型恰好截然相反:一個是與策略無關的隨需應變業務環境,另外一個卻是具有嚴格策略的企業,因此我們需要采用一些技術來鼓勵這些企業“王國”進行資源共享。

“ my grandfather probably indirectly facilitated my arrival and work in this ountry . i was french , completely apolitical and my sole motivation was my love of children , “ she explains 瑪利娜說: “我爺爺也許間接地讓我到這里來,并在這個國家工作。我是法國人,對政治毫無興趣,我唯一的動機是對孩子的愛。 ”

Maintained by the “ privately funded , non - profit , apolitical “ better hong kong foundation , this site aims to boost international commerce confidence in hong kong -一旦踏上這片熱土,您就會為之動情,這里的一切都會使您流連忘返,終生懷念。


In the wider and longer view , i have come to believe , there is something deeply apolitical ? something above politics ? in literature , despite what feminist , marxist , and other politicized literary critics may think 盡管廣讀博覽能讓人領略到生活的豐富、復雜與神秘,盡管女權主義者、馬克思主義者、政治化文學評論家認為文學必與政治相干,但我堅信,從更為深廣的眼光來看,文學必有與政治毫無相干并且高于政治的東西。

Since these two models - the apolitical on demand business environment and the political enterprise - are diametrically opposed , we need technology that encourages enterprise “ kingdoms “ to share their resources 由于這兩種模型恰好截然相反:一個是與策略無關的隨需應變業務環境,另外一個卻是具有嚴格策略的企業,因此我們需要采用一些技術來鼓勵這些企業“王國”進行資源共享。

“ my grandfather probably indirectly facilitated my arrival and work in this ountry . i was french , completely apolitical and my sole motivation was my love of children , “ she explains 瑪利娜說: “我爺爺也許間接地讓我到這里來,并在這個國家工作。我是法國人,對政治毫無興趣,我唯一的動機是對孩子的愛。 ”

By itself , on demand business is an apolitical model : it looks at what s needed to ensure that all resources are used to the best benefit of the enterprise 就其本身而言,隨需應變業務是一種與策略無關的模型:它只是檢查自己需要哪些資源,從而確保能夠最有效地使用企業的所有資源。

Maintained by the “ privately funded , non - profit , apolitical “ better hong kong foundation , this site aims to boost international commerce confidence in hong kong -一旦踏上這片熱土,您就會為之動情,這里的一切都會使您流連忘返,終生懷念。

Everyone is welcome , as falun dafa is apolitical , informal , and completely free of charge , obligation , and membership 大志者學正法,得正果,提高心性,去掉執著方為圓滿。

It ' s not a time to be apolitical 現在不是個遠離政治的時代

Anyway , l just don ' t think he ' s completely apolitical 總之,我認為他是一個完完全全的政治家

Unfortunately , my family was completely apolitical 不幸的是,我的家庭完全不關心政治。