
apogee n.1.【天文學】遠地點〔指月亮、人造衛星軌道上離地球最...

Answer : “ law of 10 “ word : crack side of apical towards the left from buttock or on the right side of equalize is horizontal , make one perpendicular bisector from qia ji apogee next , will coxal cent is 4 quadrant , quadrant goes up outside its and escape an internal angle ( connect a line to big rotor from the thorn on qia hind ) it is inject area namely 答: “十“字法:從臀裂頂點向左側或右側劃一水平線,然后從髂嵴最高點作一垂直平分線,將臀部分為四個象限,其外上象限并避開內角(從髂后上棘至大轉子連線)即為注射區。

Modern campaign is physiological consider to make clear , the apogee of human body physical strength and nadir suffer airframe “ biological clock “ control , reach a peak in the dusk commonly 現代運動生理學研究表明,人體體力的最高點和最低點受機體“生物鐘”的控制,一般在傍晚達到高峰。


Answer : “ law of 10 “ word : crack side of apical towards the left from buttock or on the right side of equalize is horizontal , make one perpendicular bisector from qia ji apogee next , will coxal cent is 4 quadrant , quadrant goes up outside its and escape an internal angle ( connect a line to big rotor from the thorn on qia hind ) it is inject area namely 答: “十“字法:從臀裂頂點向左側或右側劃一水平線,然后從髂嵴最高點作一垂直平分線,將臀部分為四個象限,其外上象限并避開內角(從髂后上棘至大轉子連線)即為注射區。

If only we strengthen the innovative and competitive consciousness and put the development of the electric automobile in a preferential status , we have the capacity and strength to participate in the international competition . among the nations with strong industry in the world , we can not only survive , but also develop , and even become stronger and stronger . we will contribute to occupying the apogee in the new competition of the world auto industry and prospering the auto industry of our country 只要我們增強創新和競爭意識,把發展電動汽車提高到戰略優先的高度,完全有能力和實力參與國際競爭,在世界工業強國中,不僅生存而且發展,不僅發展而且壯大,為在世界汽車工業新一輪的競爭中占領制高點,取得有利地位,為振興我國汽車工業作出應有的貢獻。

The earliest irish art consists of carvings on megalithic monuments dating from 3500 b . c . celtic art reached its apogee in the manuscripts of the gospels such as the books of durrow and kells 最早的愛爾蘭藝術包括公元前2500 2000年的巨石紀念碑上的雕刻品,凱爾特藝術在福音書稿里達到了它的巔峰。

Modern campaign is physiological consider to make clear , the apogee of human body physical strength and nadir suffer airframe “ biological clock “ control , reach a peak in the dusk commonly 現代運動生理學研究表明,人體體力的最高點和最低點受機體“生物鐘”的控制,一般在傍晚達到高峰。

Can the system send force to develop apogee range up in it inside clinch a deal automatically 是不是系統會在它發力向上沖最高點范圍內的自動成交?

The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth 這個人造衛星的軌道,其最遠點在離地球200英里的地方。

Altitude of apogee or perigee 遠地點或近地點高度

Particularly well equipped are the apogee telescopes . 裝備特別好的是遠地點望遠鏡。

The grand design reached its rhetorical apogee . 宏偉計劃達到口頭上的高潮。