
apocrypha n.〔sing., pl.〕1.〔A-〕【宗教】偽經,經...

From my perspective , the two most interesting books of “ the apocrypha “ are the wisdom of solomon and the wisdom of sirach - two very large collections of proverbs and wise sayings very comparable to the tao te ching by lao tzu . many people think that the bible as we know it was put together by jesus and the apostles during the 1st century ad but , that s definitely not so 我認為這些經外書中,最值得注意的是所羅門的智慧和薩拉克的智慧這兩本含有大量諺語和智慧格言的書,它們很類似老子的道德經,很多人認為我們現在所持圣經是在西元第一世紀由耶穌和他的使徒們編輯的,但事實絕非如此!

Today most protestants think of these disputed books as “ catholic “ but , the truth of the matter is the books of “ the apocrypha “ for millennia have also traditionally been included in the old bibles of the greek orthodox , syrian , russian , armenian , egyptian and all other ancient churches 現在多數基督教新教信徒認為這些有爭議的經文屬于天主教,然而事實上,一千年來,希臘正教敘利亞蘇俄亞美尼亞埃及以及其它古老教堂的舊版圣經一直包括這些經外書經文。

A long time ago when i was involved in making a major study of the bible the hebrew scriptures and the new testament , i noticed that catholic bibles contain several additional books that aren t in the protestant bible . these books are called “ the apocrypha “ in the protestant tradition 很久以前,當我從事研究圣經希伯來文圣經及新約的工作時,我注意到天主教的圣經比基督教新教的圣經多出一些經文,而這些經典就是基督教新教傳統中所謂的經外書。

Mary magdalene , which probably means “ mary of magdala “ , a town on the western shore of the lake of tiberias , is described in the new testament as a follower of jesus both in the canon and in the apocrypha 瑪麗亞抹大拉,大概意思是“抹大拉的瑪麗亞” ,一個臺伯里亞湖西岸的小鎮,在《新約》上,不論是正典還是偽經,都是耶穌的追隨者。


From my perspective , the two most interesting books of “ the apocrypha “ are the wisdom of solomon and the wisdom of sirach - two very large collections of proverbs and wise sayings very comparable to the tao te ching by lao tzu . many people think that the bible as we know it was put together by jesus and the apostles during the 1st century ad but , that s definitely not so 我認為這些經外書中,最值得注意的是所羅門的智慧和薩拉克的智慧這兩本含有大量諺語和智慧格言的書,它們很類似老子的道德經,很多人認為我們現在所持圣經是在西元第一世紀由耶穌和他的使徒們編輯的,但事實絕非如此!

Today most protestants think of these disputed books as “ catholic “ but , the truth of the matter is the books of “ the apocrypha “ for millennia have also traditionally been included in the old bibles of the greek orthodox , syrian , russian , armenian , egyptian and all other ancient churches 現在多數基督教新教信徒認為這些有爭議的經文屬于天主教,然而事實上,一千年來,希臘正教敘利亞蘇俄亞美尼亞埃及以及其它古老教堂的舊版圣經一直包括這些經外書經文。

A long time ago when i was involved in making a major study of the bible the hebrew scriptures and the new testament , i noticed that catholic bibles contain several additional books that aren t in the protestant bible . these books are called “ the apocrypha “ in the protestant tradition 很久以前,當我從事研究圣經希伯來文圣經及新約的工作時,我注意到天主教的圣經比基督教新教的圣經多出一些經文,而這些經典就是基督教新教傳統中所謂的經外書。

Only one incident between his infancy and his adult life , the finding in the temple , is mentioned in the canonical gospels , although new testament apocrypha go into these details , some quite extensively 只有一件事是在他的幼年和成年生活之間,就是在廟宇里的供應,盡管在新約的偽經進一步詳細地寫這些細節,一些還寫得十分廣闊,可是在規范的福音書里也有提到。

Mary magdalene , which probably means “ mary of magdala “ , a town on the western shore of the lake of tiberias , is described in the new testament as a follower of jesus both in the canon and in the apocrypha 瑪麗亞抹大拉,大概意思是“抹大拉的瑪麗亞” ,一個臺伯里亞湖西岸的小鎮,在《新約》上,不論是正典還是偽經,都是耶穌的追隨者。

The books of thomas , mary , james , and others are found in the complete gospels , polebridge press . an excellent anthology of apocrypha that i highly recommend is the other bible , published by harper collins 而我極力推薦一本有關經外經的文選集是另一本圣經the other bible ,由哈伯柯林斯出版。

Other good books include : the new jerusalem bible with the apocrypha , doubleday ; and , the nag hammadi library in english , harper collins books 其它好書還有新耶路撒冷圣經包括經外經雙日記doubleday及哈伯柯林斯出版的英文版奈格漢馬第圖書館等。

The leaning of sophists towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a constant quantity , john eglinton detected 好樣兒的培根214 。已經發了霉。莎士比亞即培根這一牽強附會的說法。

Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha of the o . t 舊約旁經與偽經