
apocalypse n.【基督教】天啟,啟示; 〔the A-〕 【圣經】《...

This time is called the “ apocalypse “ or revealing 該時期被稱作“天啟時期”或啟示期。


The comparison and apocalypse of logistics development among usa , japan and europe 歐現代物流發展的比較與啟示

The international modus operandi of government procurement and its apocalypse 政府生機采購的國際作法及啟示。

The american new planning movements after urban sprawl and its apocalypse 美國城市蔓延之后的規劃運動及其啟示

The comparison of the international securities supervise pattern and apocalypse 證券監管模式的國際比較與啟示

Rereading historical materialism and its apocalypse to modern philosophy 唯物史觀的重讀及其對現代哲學的啟示

The international comparison and apocalypse of accounting standard on leasing 租賃會計準則的國際比較與啟示

Comparison and apocalypse of individual income tax in china and other countries 中外個人所得稅的比較與啟示

Experience and apocalypse of 美國城市治理的經驗與啟示

Economics regulation theory and practice and its apocalypse to china 經濟規制的理論與實踐及其對我國的啟示

Apocalypse of statistics on financing 統計對理財的啟示

American interconnection apocalypse 美國網間互聯啟示錄

The contrast and apocalypse of western development between the u . s . a and china 中美西部開發的對比與啟示

Taoist thought of aesthetic education and its apocalypse to modern education 策略的發展及其對教育的啟示

Apocalypses of taoist naturalism 道家自然主義的現代啟示

I am the one horseman of the apocalypse 我是天命騎士之一

Methodology of global forest resources assessment and apocalypse to china 全球森林資源評估方法與啟示

96 master says do not worry about the apocalypse master says do not worry 96師父開示不用為天啟擔憂

Design , conflict . apocalypse - example for design of people square in taizhou 以臺州市市民廣場設計為例