
apnoea n.【醫學】呼吸暫停,窒息。


Sleep apnoea is a condition where breathing temporarily ceases during sleep , often causing the sleeper to gasp for air and wake up several times a night - so although they may think they ve had a full night s sleep - the sleep quality is generally very poor . occasionally , your doctor may refer you to a special sleep clinic , where your sleep is monitored to try and further ascertain the cause of your sleep problems 患上睡眠窒息癥的人,當入睡后,會有短暫地呼吸停止,病人要力竭才可回復呼吸,引致一晚可能被弄醒多次。患者所得到的是一晚沒有質素的睡眠。您的醫生或會轉介您到專科部門做一個測試,把您睡眠時的情況紀錄下來,作進一步研究分釋。

Recent research conducted at the chinese university of hong kong has found that obstructive sleep apnoea ( osa ) may lead to platelet activation , a mechanism closely associated with ischaemic stroke . hence it is important to treat osa patients early to prevent cardiovascular complications such as stroke 香港中文大學最新一項研究發現,阻塞性睡眠窒息癥會增加血小板活躍度,而血小板的活躍度與缺血性中風病的關系非常密切,正因如此,及早治療阻塞性睡眠窒息癥,將大大降低患上如中風等心血管病的機會。

If this sounds like you , you should visit your doctor for advice . he or she will often begin by looking for underlying problems such as depression , anxiety , a drug or alcohol problem , or for physical causes such as snoring , chronic pain or sleep apnoea . snoring can lead to poor quality sleep and is more common than sleep apnoea 如果您有以上問題,便應向醫生求助,醫生通常都會尋求失眠的根本原因,是否由抑郁、焦慮、服用毒品、酗酒、或是由生理上問題如打鼻鼾、長期痛癥及睡眠窒息癥所引至。

If you are overweight , you are more likely to have many health problems including coronary heart disease , diabetes mellitus , certain types of cancer , gallstone , joint problems and obstructive sleep apnoea 過重或肥胖可引起很多健康問題,例如冠心病、糖尿病、某些癌癥、膽石、關節病和梗阻性睡眠窒息。

Overweight or obesity increases the risk of a range of health problems , including coronary heart disease , diabetes mellitus , some cancers , gall stone , joint disease and obstructive sleep apnoea 過重或肥胖可引起很多健康問題,例如冠心病、糖尿病、某些癌癥、膽石、關節病和梗阻性睡眠窒息。

No prescription needed ! if you suffer from snoring or mild sleep apnoea , you owe it to yourself ( and your partner ) to switch to the patented osim sona pillow 您是否還在為您或者您的伴侶的睡覺打鼾/輕微睡眠呼吸暫停癥而煩惱呢?請試試osim舒鼾枕吧。

Is sleep apnoea breathing therapy - part 1 : sleep apnoea breathing therapy devices iso 17510 - 1 : 2002 ; german version en iso 17510 - 1 : 2002 睡眠窒息呼吸治療.第1部分:睡眠窒息呼吸治療設備

Sleep apnoea breathing therapy - part 2 : masks and application accessories iso 17510 - 2 : 2003 ; german version en iso 17510 - 2 : 2003 睡眠窒息治療.第2部分:面罩和附件

High - dose testosterone appears to shorten sleep duration and worsen sleep apnoea in elderly men 大劑量睪丸酮可引起老年人睡眠時間縮短睡眠呼吸暫停加重。

Diabetes , gall bladder disease , abnormal blood cholesterol levels , sleep apnoea 糖尿病、膽囊疾病、血液膽固醇水平異常、睡眠窒息癥。

Sleep apnoea breathing therapy - part 1 : sleep apnoea breathing therapy devices 睡眠窒息呼吸治療.第1部分:睡眠窒息呼吸治療儀

Do you have sleep apnoea 您睡覺打鼾嗎

Sleep apnoea breathing therapy - part 2 : masks and application accessories 睡眠窒息呼吸治療.第2部分:面罩和應用附件

Fda ( usa ) approved for reducing snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnoea 有助于減少打鼾及輕微的睡眠呼吸暫停癥。

Gall bladder disease , osteoarthritis , sleep apnoea and some types of cancer 膽囊病骨關節炎睡眠窒息癥和部分癌癥

Sleep apnoea breathing therapy - sleep apnoea breathing therapy devices 睡眠窒息呼吸治療.睡眠窒息呼吸治療裝置

Sleep apnoea breathing therapy - masks and application accessories 睡眠窒息呼吸治療.面具和設備附件