
aplomb n.〔法語〕1.垂直。2.冷靜,沉著;自信,自恃。短語和...


With the aplomb of a thorough professional , anthony hopkins was able to follow up his chilling lecter with characters of great kindness , courtesy and humanity : the conscience - stricken butler of a british fascist in the remains of the day 1992 and compassionate author c . s . lewis in shadowlands 1993 93年霍普金斯又在影片幻境shadowlands 1993中成功地詮釋了一位性格沉靜的大學教授。他那感人至深的表演獲得了觀眾們的一致好評。他的演技正被越來越多的人所肯定。

Me imperturbe , standing at ease in nature , master of all of mistress of all , aplomb in the midst of irrational things , imbued as they , passive , receptive , silent as they , finding my occupation , poverty , notoriety , foibles , crimes , less important than i thought , me toward the mexican sea , or in manhattan or tennessee , or far north or inland , ariver man , or the lakes or kanada , me wherever my life is lived , o to be self - alanced for contingencies , to confront night , storms , hunger , ridicule , accidents , rebuffs , as the trees amd animals do 我鎮定,悠然立于自然之間,萬物的主人或主婦,坦然面對世間的混亂,正如它們般充盈,溫順嫻靜,包容四海,才感到我的生計,潦倒,惡名,瑕疵和罪惡,是如此的不名一文,我向著墨西哥海,或在曼哈頓,田納西,抑或在遙遠的北方,深深的內陸做一個漁民、獵手、各州或沿海的農民,抑或是在加拿大,在湖畔,不論我身處何方,都要寵辱不驚,臨危不亂,就像樹木和動物一樣,堅韌面對黑夜風暴,人情冷暖。

Rooted in fairy tale references and jabs at the now - dissolved 40 - year relationship between mattel s most favourite dolls , pang delivers the kitsch without the cheese , playfully balancing the comedy and the innocence with aplomb 王子復仇記是男人的古典悲劇,主角換了性別,卻是cynical導演的一次女性心理揭秘,刁鉆,笑里藏刀,回味無窮。

I ' d been helping her online with a fairly complex paperwork problem , and ( more by luck that judgment ) had managed to solve it for her with some aplomb ; coffee was natural after this 對于這個女生,我已經在網上幫助她相當長時間了,我幫她解決了復雜的英文文書問題,并且幫她改正了一些語法;接下來一起喝咖啡是很自然的事情了。

It is native personality , and that alone , that endows a man to stand before presidents or generals , or in any distinguished collection , with aplomb ( walt whitman 這是天生的個性,這一特性賦予一個人可以冷靜地面對總統、將軍或任何杰出人物(沃爾特?懷特曼) 。

The part turned out to be that of growling , ill - tempered lawyer ling woo , which liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member 部分原來是到著,坐立不安暴躁律師靈胡劉其中充滿揮灑自如,她簽訂了正規投下會員

[ size = 3 ] it is a cardinal rule of french politics that a presidential candidate must know how to caress a bovine bottom with aplomb 法國政壇的一項基本規則就是總統候選人必須知道如何揮灑自如地愛撫牛屁股。

It is a cardinal rule of french politics that a presidential candidate must know how to caress a bovine bottom with aplomb 法國政壇的一項基本規則就是總統候選人必須知道如何揮灑自如地愛撫牛屁股。

Host seen standing only a few clouds between the sensational dance , like a group of outstanding dancers like aplomb 只見數只仙鶴站立行云之間,對舞煽情,宛如一群出色的舞蹈家般揮灑自如。

Right back though wasn ' t the only defensive role essien took on with aplomb 右后衛仍然不是埃辛僅有的能沉著應對的防守位置。

You handled yourself with aplomb 你自己倒是很沉著

You had to toss the salad with aplomb , 我要小心地將色拉拌上調料

She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb 她泰然自若地履行王妃的職責。

She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb 她泰然自若地履行王妃的職責

She perform the duties of a princess with great aplomb 她泰然自若地履行王妃的職責。

As usual, the chairman's cultured voice was low-key in keeping with his old-bostonian aplomb . 和平常一樣,董事長有教養的聲音是有節制的,這和他那老波士頓人的鎮靜是一致的。

He answered with perfect aplomb . 他沉著地回答。