
aplenty adv.〔美口〕1.豐富,很多。2.極。短語和例子The...

“ at least the kids will get aplenty of good home cooking . “至少孩子們可以吃到豐盛的家常菜”


Based on extensive investigation of construction technique history of chinese ancient buildings , the structure method , structure developing history and seismic behavior of chinese ancient timber structure buildings are analyzed in several respects of the structural system and form . through a series of experiments on constituent parts of chinese ancient timber building structure , including the tests on the corbels and brackets called dougong subjected to low cyclic reversed loadings , the tests on the wooden frame using the tenon - mortise joints as connections of column and beam subjected to low cyclic reversed loadings , the tests on vibration isolation effect of friction and slippage between column footing and their socle base , and a series of shaking table tests on a chinese ancient timber structure palace building mode under artificial earthquake at serving conditions , destroyed conditions and reinforced conditions , many valuable results of structures such as moment - curvature hysteretic loops of dougong structure and tenon - mortise joints under low cyckc reversed loadings , the static function , the seismic performance , energy dissipation , vibration reduction , energy - loss mechanism , nechanicalmode and failure mode were studied . aplenty of valuable parameters of the structure system were obtained , such as the natural period of structure , vibration modes , damping ratio , factor of vibration isolation , oscillate amplitude of ineitial accebration , velocity and displacement , magnitude of slippage , and the mechanism of structure failure and collapse etc . based on these research , the complete analysis of ancient timber structure under earthquake were carried out in which including mechanism analysis method , calculating mode , strength analysis of members and joints , strengthening methods for serving damaged ancient timber structure buildings were also taken into account 依照宋代《營造法式》建造了抬梁式殿堂木結構構件及結構模型,對中國古代木結構中的典型構造如:柱腳在礎石頂面平擱簡支、柱架榫卯連接、柱高不越間之廣、側腳、生起、斗拱等的構造機理及結構功能進行了量化分析和實驗研究: (一)通過木柱石礎靜摩擦試驗,測定了柱腳與石礎古鏡面間的摩擦系數及摩擦力隨上部結構荷載變化的規律; (二)通過單柱承載力試驗,測定了古建筑中木柱的受力變形特征、破壞模式、及模型材料的變形模量、極限承載力、極限變形等參量; (三)通過柱架低周反復荷載試驗,測定了柱架的抗側移剛度、柱架恢復力特性及滯回曲線、榫卯張角剛度及其變化規律、柱架及榫卯的極限承載力和極限變形、及榫卯減振參數; (四)通過斗?低周反復荷載試驗和受壓試驗,測定了古建筑木構件與木構件間摩擦系數,斗?抗側移剛度,斗?恢復力特性及滯回曲線,斗?抗壓極限承載力及受力變形規律; (五)通過抬梁式殿堂間架模型振動臺試驗,測定了殿堂木構架結構自振周期,地震反應振形、阻尼特性及阻尼比;按結構分層特點對柱腳、柱頭和斗?層上的屋蓋的地震反應采用多點同步測量,對柱根滑移、榫卯變形、斗?的變形、復位、耗能減振參數等進行了定量分析。

However , the account books seized by the police offered information aplenty of the how the racket operated between 1 june to 9 august 1976 . in the books , 2 , 610 entries told of more than 700 , 000 in bribes was handed out , an average of 10 , 000 a day 警方撿獲的賬簿提供了許多線索賬簿記錄著販毒集團從一九七六年六月一日至八月九日的支出賬,其中二千六百一十項屬于支付黑錢的賬項,共值七十多萬,平均每天派片額達萬元。

When the powers that be at the bernabeu failed to value their unsung hero highly enough , there were groans aplenty from madrid ' s biggest stars but they could not prevent claude embarking on a new challenge in england 當博納烏的高層無法給他們的幕后英雄足夠高的待遇時,雖然馬德里是大球星們渴望去的地方,但是他們還是不能阻止克勞德踏上前往英格蘭的班機去迎接新的挑戰。

Innovative ideas are aplenty on campus and nus enterprise invites more from the university community to take up the challenge of introducing their knowledge to the singapore and global economies through their own start - ups 創新思想在學校中比比皆是,新國大企業中心希望大學中能有更多人創辦自己的企業,把他們的知識推向新加坡和全球市場

I am a graduate student of shanghai univercity . i have aplenty experience . besides i can also teach you chinese handwriting and culture of china 本人為上海某高校在讀研究生,有豐富的對外漢語教學經驗,英語六級.還可兼教毛筆書法及中國歷史文化

Kate : you must be kidding . this area is booming and there are jobs aplenty . you have a university degree don ' t you ? then what ' s the problem 凱伊:你一定在開玩笑,這地方正蓬勃發展,有大量職位空缺,你不是有大學學位嗎?那會有什么問題?

After an in - depth examination of the relevant procedures , he concluded that management controls were lax and loopholes were aplenty 他花了一段時間觀察整個收集和處理車資程序,發現巴士公司的管理松散,工序亦存在相當多而明顯的漏洞。

In 2001 , the area became a marine park , protecting the diverse marine life such as coral reefs and seaweed that is aplenty around the island 海島周圍擁有珊瑚群落及海藻床兩種高生態價值的生長地,在2001年正式指定為海岸公園。

There are opportunities aplenty in hong kong , even in difficult times . the director of investment promotion outlines the sar s many advantages 對于投資推廣署署長盧維思來說,香港是名副其實充滿機會的地方。

There was food and drink aplenty 有充分的食物和飲料。

“ at least the kids will get aplenty of good home cooking . “至少孩子們可以吃到豐盛的家常菜”

It has made mistakes aplenty down the years 這些年他已經犯了很多錯。

There 's water aplenty there . 那里水很多。