
apis n.神牛〔古埃及人信奉為神的化身的公牛〕。


How to enable language - sensitive operations using soap apis 如何使用soap api來實現對語言敏感的操作

Lists the unsupported class libraries and apis in visual j 列出visual j #中不受支持的類庫和api 。

J does not support apis that consume or return unsafe types J #不支持使用和返回不安全類型的api 。

Supported hardware , software and apis for websphere application server 已被支持的硬件、軟件和api

Java apis for external applications 用于外部應用程序的java api

Identifies threads for the debugger apis 標識調試器api的線程。

Or new apis like the java logging api 這樣的新布局管理器、或者像java logging api這樣的新api 。

The most common way to call windows apis is by using the 調用windows api最常用的方法是通過使用

The next step up is to use saaj apis 提高一步就是使用saaj api 。

Only in messages or only in apis , as well as searching for 例如用戶可以僅在信息或僅在api中搜索

New java apis make the web services world easy to access 新的java api使得web服務世界更易于訪問

Being familiar with more apis means you have more choices 熟悉的api越多意味著您的選擇也越多。

Backup and restore apis for independent software vendors >適用于獨立軟件供應商的備份和還原api

Managed apis provide directory service access and management 托管api提供目錄服務訪問和管理。

The apis to work with these protocols are 使用這些協議的api分別是

I have this problem : i dislike obscifucated sic apis 我有這樣的問題:我不喜歡令人困惑的api 。

Dynamic ui manager apis for launching dynamic pages 用于啟動動態頁面的dynamic ui manager api

Three classes exist in the standard java apis that implement 在標準java api中有三個類實現了

These layers are used by simplified apis , called 通過簡化的api使用這些層,這些簡化的api叫作