
apiculture n.養蜂(學)。

Chapter 2 and chapter 3 analyzed the change of world honey production and trade , the distribution of apiculture production and trade structure of international honey market . linear increase model and the method of “ revealed “ comparative advantage was adopted respectively in forecasting world honey output and comparing competitive ability of main honey export countries 第二章和第三章實證分析了世界蜂蜜總產量與貿易量的變遷,世界蜂業的產地分布和世界蜂蜜市場的貿易結構,采用線性增長模型對世界蜂蜜總產量進行了定量預測,采用“顯示”比較優勢法等方法對主要蜂蜜出口國的競爭力進行了比較。


After china has joined into wto , such effect will become more direct and obvious . therefore , based on the statistics of world apiculture production and honey trade , this dissertation an alyzed positively on international competition of world apiculture and the development of china ' s apiculture . this dissertation includes 11 chapters 為此,本論文以世界蜂業生產和蜂蜜貿易的統計數據為依據,圍繞世界蜂業生產與貿易的國際競爭與我國蜂業可持續發展問題,從應用經濟學的角度進行了系統的實證研究,論文共由11章組成。

Chapter 2 and chapter 3 analyzed the change of world honey production and trade , the distribution of apiculture production and trade structure of international honey market . linear increase model and the method of “ revealed “ comparative advantage was adopted respectively in forecasting world honey output and comparing competitive ability of main honey export countries 第二章和第三章實證分析了世界蜂蜜總產量與貿易量的變遷,世界蜂業的產地分布和世界蜂蜜市場的貿易結構,采用線性增長模型對世界蜂蜜總產量進行了定量預測,采用“顯示”比較優勢法等方法對主要蜂蜜出口國的競爭力進行了比較。

Analyzed the present situation of china ' s apiculture production and trade . the method of constant market share ( cms ) analysis was adopted in analyzing the reason of chinese honey exportation growth in different periods . after analyzed the main problems in the development of china ' s apiculture and the effect of joining into wto , relevant countermeasures and suggestions were proposed 第十章和第十一章簡要介紹了建國以來中國蜂業的發展歷程,實證分析了中國蜂業生產和蜂產品貿易的現狀,采用固定市場比例分析( cms )法分析了不同時期中國蜂蜜出口成長變化的原因,系統分析了中國蜂業生產與貿易存在的主要問題及加入wto對中國蜂業生產和蜂產品貿易的影響,提出了十大對策建議。

Chapter 4 to chapter 9 analyzed the status of honey production , trade and consumption in america , argentina , mexico , canada , germany and japan . their development trend was also prospected . chapter 10 to chapter 11 introduced the development course of china ' s apiculture after new china was established 第四章至第九章實證分析了美國、阿根廷、墨西哥、加拿大、德國和日本等六大主要蜂蜜產銷國的蜂蜜生產、貿易與消費狀況,并展望了它們的發展趨勢。

Because of the limited international market capacity of bee products , the development of apiculture in competitive country and the competition of international bee products market will surely influence the sustained development of china ' s apiculture 世界蜂產品市場容量有限,競爭國蜂業的發展與世界蜂產品市場的國際競爭,影響我國蜂業的可持續發展,在我國加入wto后,這種影響將更加直接和明顯。

In recent years , with the more acute international competition and trade protectionism , the export price of china ' s bee products has fallen down sharply . it seriously affected the continuous development of china ' s apiculture 但近年來蜂業生產與貿易的國際競爭日益激化,貿易保護主義日益盛行,導致我國蜂產品出口價格連年下跌,國際競爭力不斷減弱,嚴重影響了我國蜂業的可持續發展。

China , known as the largest country for producing and exporting bee products in the world , has occupied more than 1 / 5 and 1 / 4 of world honey output and export volume . so apiculture is a typical export - oriented industry 我國是世界最大的蜂產品生產國和出口國,蜂蜜生產量和出口量分別占世界的1 / 5和1 / 4強,我國蜂業是典型的外向型產業。

In the recognition and support of the government , apiculture had a great development in china in recent years . this paper described the advances of apicultural research in china in detail 近年來,隨著國家對蜂業的重視和支持,中國養蜂學研究工作取得長足發展。

Apiculture is a traditional and special industry in china . as an important part of modern agriculture , it has economic , social and ecological benefit 蜂業是我國的傳統特色產業,集經濟、社會和生態效益于一體,是現代農業的重要組成部分。

Apiculture of china 中國蜂業

Apiculture . wooden frames for dadant - blatt beehives 養蜂業. dadant - blatt蜂箱用木制框架