
apia n.阿比亞〔西薩摩亞首都〕。

Following last year s educational tour xian , china , lingnan university s asia - pacific institute of ageing studies apias is organizing another educational tour programme to australia for the elderly from 21 november to 29 november this year , in collaboration with odyssey travel , a division of the australian and new zealand college for seniors anzcs , university of wollongong 嶺南大學亞太老年研究中心“中心“自2005年起推廣創新的長者游學旅游概念,為長者及退休人士提供融合學習與旅游于一身的游學計劃。繼去年成功舉辦西安長者游學團后,中心今年再接再厲,計劃今年11月21至29日與澳洲非牟利團體odyssey travel合辦專為長者而設的九天澳洲長者游學團。

With an aim to strive for better living quality of the elderly , asia - pacific institute of ageing studies apias of lingnan university lingnan or the university and lingnan students participate actively in the prevent elder abuse ambassadors training programme “ the programme “ . a graduation ceremony of the programme was held today 11 november 2006 at the university to appoint 60 elderly people and 37 students , including 20 from the university , as prevent elder abuse ambassadors training programme 面對日益嚴重的虐老問題,向來關注長者生活質素的嶺南大學下稱嶺大亞太老年學研究中心及嶺大學生積極響應老吾老防虐大使計劃,并于今日11月11日假嶺大舉行老吾老防虐大使計劃訓練課程結業禮,同時委任60名長者及37名學生當中20名為嶺大學生成為老吾老防虐大使。

Professor alfred chan cheung - ming , director of apias said , “ the programme provides a good opportunity for the elderly and youngsters to co - operate and learn from each other , which facilitates inter - generational communication . this also is a good start for improving community relationship . 嶺大亞太老年學研究中心主任陳章明教授表示:是次老吾老防虐大使計劃造就了一個跨代合作機會,讓長者與學生打成一片,互相支持學習,跨代共融,是強化社區關系的一個好開始。


The research in this paper offers a new way to design programming icai platform and help to extend and apply par method . innovation and characteristic of the platform as follows : 1 , focus on programming theory and improvement of the learner ' s programming ability 2 , enable heuristic teaching , teach learners in accordance of their aptitude 3 , introduce algorithm with the help of simulation based on java mud - thread 4 , learners can get the outcome of program using auto program transform software , such as apla - c + + , apia - java 5 , easiness to extend and migrate and to transform to network based icai platform 文中實現的教學軟件平臺的創新點與特色主要有: 1 、以程序設計理論和方法學為主要內容,注重學員程序設計能力的培養, 2 、結合學習理論,對教學內容進行啟發式教學,針對不同能力的學生做到“因材施教” ; 3 、具有java多線程的模擬演示功能,形象地介紹算法原理, 4 、實現了與apla - c + +等程序自動轉化器的銜接,學員可立即得到執行結果, 5 、軟件可擴充性、可移植性強,易于轉化為網絡化教學平臺。

Following last year s educational tour xian , china , lingnan university s asia - pacific institute of ageing studies apias is organizing another educational tour programme to australia for the elderly from 21 november to 29 november this year , in collaboration with odyssey travel , a division of the australian and new zealand college for seniors anzcs , university of wollongong 嶺南大學亞太老年研究中心“中心“自2005年起推廣創新的長者游學旅游概念,為長者及退休人士提供融合學習與旅游于一身的游學計劃。繼去年成功舉辦西安長者游學團后,中心今年再接再厲,計劃今年11月21至29日與澳洲非牟利團體odyssey travel合辦專為長者而設的九天澳洲長者游學團。

With an aim to strive for better living quality of the elderly , asia - pacific institute of ageing studies apias of lingnan university lingnan or the university and lingnan students participate actively in the prevent elder abuse ambassadors training programme “ the programme “ . a graduation ceremony of the programme was held today 11 november 2006 at the university to appoint 60 elderly people and 37 students , including 20 from the university , as prevent elder abuse ambassadors training programme 面對日益嚴重的虐老問題,向來關注長者生活質素的嶺南大學下稱嶺大亞太老年學研究中心及嶺大學生積極響應老吾老防虐大使計劃,并于今日11月11日假嶺大舉行老吾老防虐大使計劃訓練課程結業禮,同時委任60名長者及37名學生當中20名為嶺大學生成為老吾老防虐大使。

We have developed apia - java component in the research of par method and their tools . how to implement parallel and concurrent mechanism in apia - java resuable components a nd apply resuable components to parallel ( concurrent ) programming ? the solution of this problem is of significance for poularizing par method and it ' s study production into parallel and concurrent fields 我們在par方法及其開發工具的研究過程中實現了apla - java可重用部件庫,如何在該部件庫中實現并行(并發)機制,使其支持并行(并發)程序設計,這對于將par方法及其研究成果推廣到并行(并發)領域具有重大現實意義。

Professor alfred chan cheung - ming , director of apias said , “ the programme provides a good opportunity for the elderly and youngsters to co - operate and learn from each other , which facilitates inter - generational communication . this also is a good start for improving community relationship . 嶺大亞太老年學研究中心主任陳章明教授表示:是次老吾老防虐大使計劃造就了一個跨代合作機會,讓長者與學生打成一片,互相支持學習,跨代共融,是強化社區關系的一個好開始。

13 august 2005 hong kong lingnan university lingnan or the university launched , in june 2004 , a one - year service - learning and research scheme slrs through its asia - pacific institute of ageing studies apias , putting into practice the universitys mission of liberal arts education through community participation 實踐博雅教育全人發展理念二零零五年八月十三日2005年8月13日香港嶺南大學嶺大亞太老年學研究中心于2004年6月開展了為期一年的服務研習計劃活動。

This paper has attached importance to analyze the new problems of apia - java components in parallel ( concurrent ) environment . based on the above analyses , this paper has advanced synchronizational control measures for the component and effectively realized the component ' s synchronization control in three strategies 重點分析了apla - java可重用部件在并行(并發)環境下存在的新問題,提出了實現部件庫的同步控制手段并有效解決了三種策略下的同步控制。

The apia language has fully absorbed the modern programming technique of data abstraction and function abstraction . it used many traditional mathematical symbols and fitted the mathematical custom , so the correctness of the programs which were written by apia language are very easy to prove Apla語言充分體現了功能抽象、數據抽象等現代程序設計思想,它引入了傳統的數學符號和數學表達式,用apla語言書寫的程序便于形式化推導和證明。

The implementation of parallel and concurrent mechanism in apia - java reusalbe components makes it possible to apply reusalbe components to parallel ( concurrent ) programming . this will improve the efficiency of parallel ( concurrent ) programming greatly Apla - java可重用部件庫并行(并發)機制的實現使得該部件可重用于并行(并發)程序設計,極大提高了java并行(并發)程序開發的效率。

Speakers at the seminar were prof . alfred chan , director of asia - pacific institute of ageing studies apias of lingnan university , mr . denis simond , executive director of odyssey travel from australia and sage representatives 出席游學旅游講座嘉賓包括嶺大亞太老年學研究中心主任陳章明教授及澳洲澳德長者旅游odyssey travel行政總監mr . denis simond及耆康會代表。

In line with lingnans whole - person education approach , apias encourages lingnan students to participate actively in the prevent elder abuse ambassadors training programme to reach out to the community and care for the elderly 秉承嶺大致力培訓學生成為全人的教學宗旨,該中心今次積極鼓勵嶺大學生參與老吾老防虐大使活動,讓學生關懷弱老,融入社區。

Participants can travel and learn , getting a chance to experience the joy of studying abroad , thereby help build their self - confidence and positive attitude towards life . said prof . alfred chan , director of apias 是次澳洲長者游學團由2006年11月21至29日舉行,為期九天。由亞太老年研究中心和odyssey travel主辦,對象為45歲或以上的人士。

Prof . alfred chan , director of apias said : this scheme is a milestone in the local tertiary education sector in terms of the numbers of participating students , faculties , agency partners and service beneficiaries 參與該計劃的嶺大學生均認為,這是一次難能可貴的學習機會,讓他們體會到回饋社會的重要性和滿足感。

In may 2006 , apias conducted a 3 - day intensive training , namely programme leaders induction workshop for 11 people who were interested and experienced in working for active mature adults 中心于去年五月為舉辦了為期三天的訓練計劃隨團導賞領袖培訓工作坊,為11名有志服務長者的人士提供培訓。

The closing deadline for the tour enrolment is on 25 october 2006 . for details , please contact ms . li at lingnan university s apias on tel : 2616 - 7424 . maintained by 游學團截止報名日期為2006年10月25日,查詢游學團詳情可致電嶺大亞太老年研究中心李小姐電話: 2616 - 7424

This paper not only extends the reusing area of apia - java components , but also availably attempts to search parallel ( concurrent ) program with par method 本文的研究不僅擴展了apla - java部件庫的重用范圍,也是探索par方法進行并行(并發)程序設計的有益嘗試。