
aphrodite n.1.【希臘神話】阿芙羅狄蒂〔愛與美的女神,相當于 V...

The abundance of perfumes fits well with cyprus “ mythological status as the birthplace of aphrodite , the greek goddess of love 塞浦路斯考古部門負責人佛羅倫茲指出: “此次發現的香水及相關物品與一則希臘神話相吻合。


She therefore resorted to ruthless intrigue , as in the matter of heracles ' birth ; and sometimes borrowed aphrodite ' s girdle , to excite his passion and thus weaken his will 因此,她采取冷酷的計謀,例如在生赫拉克勒斯的事情上;有時,她借用阿佛洛狄特的腰帶來勾起他的情欲,從而削弱他的意態。

Aphrodite rose slowly from the sea foam on a giant scallop6 . because she came out of the sea , she was also the protectress of sailors , and she was often depicted sitting on a giant seashell 因為她誕生于大海,她還是水手們的保護女神,往往被描繪成坐在巨型海貝殼上的女神。

Each compartment in the boat was fully stuffed with food and drinks , and aphrodite was fed with fuel and water to her full capacity . we were ready to cast - off 當“阿佛洛狄忒”號的每個船艙內都塞滿了食物和飲料,加足了燃料和水,我們就要起航啦。

Eros was the god of love , better known by hislatin name cupid . son of aphrodite by ares , he took his place among the small gods of olympus 厄洛斯是愛神,它的拉丁名稱丘比特更為人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙羅狄蒂的兒子,是一位小奧林波斯山神。

Ben and his dad leigh slowly maneuvered aphrodite out of the marina through the narrow channels among the berth fingers which were full of boats 本和他爸爸? ?利在停滿了船只的泊位之間穿過狹窄的通道,緩緩將“阿佛洛狄忒”號駛出船塢。

Observed in her woman ' s body , she will no longer be the luminous adolescent girl who displays that boyish body so envied by aphrodite 以女性的身體被觀察到,她不再是閃閃發亮的青春玉女,展現她男孩般的身體,那是愛神阿芙洛特所?羨的。

Aphrodite : medusa , the queen of the gorgons . bring me her head kratos , and i will give you the ability to wield its power 阿芙羅狄蒂: “美杜莎,戈耳工女王,把她的頭獻給我,克瑞托斯,我即將會賜予你她那石化敵人的魔力! ”

The abundance of perfumes fits well with cyprus “ mythological status as the birthplace of aphrodite , the greek goddess of love 塞浦路斯考古部門負責人佛羅倫茲指出: “此次發現的香水及相關物品與一則希臘神話相吻合。

Aphrodite : freeze and destroy them all with medusas gaze and the power of the gorgon will be yours 阿芙羅狄蒂: “用美杜莎的凝視將那些敵人統統石化,打碎它們!那么戈耳工女王的魔力就將歸你所有。 ”

Aphrodite was also honored as a goddess of war , especially in sparta , thebes , cyprus and some other places 在斯巴達、底比斯和塞浦路斯等地,阿佛洛狄特也被人們尊崇為戰爭女神。

The aphrodite of melos is made of [ 1 ] marble and represents vivdly the goddess aphrodite “米洛的阿芙洛狄特”是由大理石制成的,惟妙惟肖地刻畫了女神阿芙洛狄特。

The aphrodite of melos is made of [ 1 ] marble and represents vivdly the godde aphrodite “米洛的阿芙洛狄特”是由大理石制成的,惟妙惟肖地刻畫了女神阿芙洛狄特。

I found him over in the museum when i went to hail the foamborn aphrodite 剛才我在博物館里遇見過他。我到那兒是去向海泡里誕生的阿佛洛狄忒致意的。

The statue shows aphrodite semi - nude and with a robe wrapped around her legs 雕像展示了阿芙洛狄特半裸的形象,一條長袍遮住了她的雙腿。

The statue shows aphrodite semi - nude and with a robe wra ed around her legs 雕像展示了阿芙洛狄特半裸的形象,一條長袍遮住了她的雙腿。

In greek mythology , love is personified by the goddess aphrodite 在希臘神話中,阿佛洛狄特女神是愛的化身。

No one knows who created the statue of the aphrodite of melos 沒有人知道誰創作了雕像“米洛的維納斯” 。

The ancient greek dedicated many shrines to aphrodite 古希臘人為愛神阿弗羅狄特造了許多神廟。