
aphrodisiac adj.刺激性欲的。n.催欲劑,春藥。

“ power is the ultimate aphrodisiac , “ he began saying when he came to realize the new attraction he exerted on women 當他覺察到他對女人具有新的魅力時,他曾說: “權力乃是至高無上的催欲劑。

But power is more than an aphrodisiac ; it is a temptation to test its effects in exercising it “但是權力不僅僅是一種催欲劑,它引誘人們去運用權力以檢驗其效果。


Believed to be effective aphrodisiacs and good - luck charms , reptiles , amphibians and other exotic animals have become a popular delicacy and ornament in many parts of asia . last week , manila airport authorities arrested a filipino man trying to smuggle three live siamese crocodiles from cambodia 爬行動物水陸兩棲動物以及其它一些看上去稀奇古怪的動物在亞洲很多地區都成為了人們餐桌上的美味佳肴或寵物,因為這里的人們相信這些動物不僅具有極強的壯陽作用,還能夠給人帶來好運氣。

One of the nappy - clad lizards reportedly died due to heat . believed to be effective aphrodisiacs and good - luck charms , reptiles , amphibians and other exotic animals have become a popular delicacy and ornament in many parts of asia 爬行動物水陸兩棲動物以及其它一些看上去稀奇古怪的動物在亞洲很多地區都成為了人們餐桌上的美味佳肴或寵物,因為這里的人們相信這些動物不僅具有極強的壯陽作用,還能夠給人帶來好運氣。

Spam , or junk e - mails , are unsolicited messages often sent indiscriminately , usually trying to sell goods and services from aphrodisiacs to loans 垃圾郵件是(某些機構或個人)主動提供給收件人的信息,發送者通常采取不加選擇的群發方式,試圖向收件人推銷從催欲劑到貸款等各色商品和服務。

On sunday night national nine news broadcast a report about a man who came up with an idea to lace sydney rock oysters with viagra and sell them as souped up aphrodisiacs 上周日澳大利亞第九新聞頻道報道了一名海產品銷售商創意用偉哥搭配雪梨巖生蠔,并將之作為壯陽藥出售。

The slender loris has been hunted for centuries in sri lanka for its purported qualities as an aphrodisiac , asthma cure and as a kind of living voodoo doll 有傳言說這種生活在斯里蘭卡的細長懶猴具有壯陽及治療哮喘的作用,因此數百年來它們一直難逃被人們獵殺的厄運。

You can kick it up a notch by using aphrodisiac spices like clove , vanilla , ginger and saffron in your dishes 要更上一層樓,你可以在你的菜肴中用一些催情的調料,如丁香花苞、香草、姜和藏紅花粉。

“ power is the ultimate aphrodisiac , “ he began saying when he came to realize the new attraction he exerted on women 當他覺察到他對女人具有新的魅力時,他曾說: “權力乃是至高無上的催欲劑。

Witnessing the aphrodisiac prowesses and out of this world goals of the divine swan . priceless 巴斯滕無可比擬的魅力以及天外飛仙般的進球,至今仍然歷歷在目,栩栩如生。這是米蘭的無價之寶。

This ancient race used the cocoa bean as currency and the ancient egyptians believed chocolate was an aphrodisiac 這個古老的民族把可可豆作錢幣用,而古埃及卻認為它是一種催情藥。

I ' ll take that as a compliment . and how about celebrating by tasting nostradamus ' famous aphrodisiac potion 我會把這當作是恭維。我們品嘗有名的諾查丹瑪斯家的春藥來慶祝吧?

A substance secreted by the musk deer , used extensively in perfume . also considered an aphrodisiac 隱藏在麝香鹿體內的物質,被廣泛的應用在香水中。也作為春藥使用。

But power is more than an aphrodisiac ; it is a temptation to test its effects in exercising it “但是權力不僅僅是一種催欲劑,它引誘人們去運用權力以檢驗其效果。

Muira pauma root - this is a shrub native to brazil , and has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac ? ?木是一種巴西本土灌木,長久以來被用做壯陽藥。

A root , now extinct , which figures in the composition of nostradamus ' s legendary aphrodisiac 一種植物的根,現已滅絕。在預言家的傳說中出現的成分。

So you obviously made it to the tenth chapter , where i mention indian foodas an aphrodisiac 很顯然你看過第十章。我在那章里提到印度菜是種春藥。

Known for its aphrodisiac properties , ginger was very popular in the late 16th century 生姜以它的催欲特性而聞名,在16世紀末是很受歡迎的。

Even today , finely pulverised bloodstone is used as a medicine and aphrodisiac in india 既使今日,人們在印度依然視研磨為細粉的