
aphorism n.格言,警句。

Xml is codification of author donald knuth s aphorism that “ all computer problems can be solved with another layer of redirection . “ the whole xml syntax is designed to utilize redirected web - based services 個不同的置換。在沒有計算機的社會中,很明顯,蠻力攻擊不可行。盡管如此,如果有足夠的密文,這樣的密碼往往不難攻破。

As the age - old saying goes , “ a picture is worth a thousand words , “ and it is important to undertake work that reflects this profound aphorism , especially when it comes to sharing god s divine message to truth aspirants 話說:一個畫面勝過萬語千言,這句深奧的格言用在傳播上帝神圣的訊息給真理追求者,則更是格外重要了!

I opened up master s book of aphorisms and a passage appeared that removed all my uncertainty : “ actually , there is no such thing as fate 翻開甘露法語,師父為我的疑慮作了最好的撥清:事實上沒有所謂的定命,就是我們修行不夠而已。

Subscribers will receive the latest e - magazine , as well as selected aphorisms , “ pearls of wisdom “ , etc . news no . 123 訂閱的讀者可以收到最新一期新聞雜志,并每天收到最新的甘露法語教理選粹等精彩內容。

A visitor was drawn to one of the aphorisms : “ repairing and changing ourselves is repairing and changing the world . 有位貴賓被一則甘露法語吸引住,重覆念那句甘露法語:修改自己,就是修改世界。

Subscribers will receive the latest e - magazine , as well as selected aphorisms , “ pearls of wisdom “ , etc 訂閱的讀者可以收到最新一期電子新聞雜志,每天收到最新的甘露法語教理選粹精彩內容。

Kousoulas , g . “ allusion and allegory : aphorisms of a capital . “ 1984 暗示與寓言:一個首都的格言, 1984


That fellow disciples personally prepared these sandwiches and included masters aphorisms with them demonstrates their ingenious thinking and love for their homeless friends , said a sister who participated in the activity 一位參與的同修表示:同修親手做三明治,又附上甘露法語,不僅展現巧思,也表達了我們對游民朋友的愛心。

Xml is codification of author donald knuth s aphorism that “ all computer problems can be solved with another layer of redirection . “ the whole xml syntax is designed to utilize redirected web - based services 個不同的置換。在沒有計算機的社會中,很明顯,蠻力攻擊不可行。盡管如此,如果有足夠的密文,這樣的密碼往往不難攻破。

In a unique manner it has been sung in many ways by various sages , by the vedic hymns , by various aphorisms of vedanta with its sound logic and reasoning and by conclusive evidence 以其獨特的風格,在《呋陀》圣歌里,在以音律形式的邏輯推理,而得出結論性根據的各種《呋檀多》的格言里,它被各種各樣的圣賢們以各種方式所歌唱。

As the age - old saying goes , “ a picture is worth a thousand words , “ and it is important to undertake work that reflects this profound aphorism , especially when it comes to sharing god s divine message to truth aspirants 話說:一個畫面勝過萬語千言,這句深奧的格言用在傳播上帝神圣的訊息給真理追求者,則更是格外重要了!

Besides , the initiates distributed gifts and also served dessert with cake and fortune cookies containing specially made messages printed with masters name , aphorisms , and websites 除此之外,同修還分發禮物素食糕點及幸運餅乾,幸運餅乾里面附上精心制作的小紙卡,上面印有師父的甘露法語師父法號及觀音網站等訊息。

All those comments in my letters were masters aphorisms . i didnt know what aphorisms were , but i liked them . what puzzled me even more was how master could read my thoughts even though she did not know me at all 當時,我不懂什么是甘露法語,但我喜歡,更奇怪的是師父并不認識我,她怎么知道我在想什么呢?

In the poking fun game , players found prizes concealed in balloons , including candy , cookies and small cards printed with masters aphorisms , which the children examined happily 在戳戳樂的游戲中,隱藏在氣球內的獎品除了糖果餅乾之外,還有印著師父甘露法語的小紙卡,孩子們得到獎品后,都開懷地讀了起來。

Later we sent the professor a chinese macrame knotted handicraft bearing one of master s aphorisms , as well as a copy of master s buddha s chanting tape , which he joyfully accepted 隨后我們將一個系著師父甘露法語的中國結以及一卷師父的佛贊錄音帶送給索多梅爾教授,他很高興地收下。

During the event , the sisters and brothers distributed thousands of fliers , together with packets of cookies , each containing a slip of paper bearing one of master s aphorisms 在嘉年華會上,同修們散發數千份附有餅乾的傳單,每包餅乾內都有一張印著師父甘露法語的紙卡。

When he saw masters photo on the cover of her aphorisms book , he found that the lady in the picture looked exactly like the person who had saved him many years earlier 現在他終于發現,那個化身師父就是現在甘露法語書上的封面照片,他非常謝謝師父的救命之恩。

Foruthly , remoulding and assiminating compendious idioms and allusions and aphorism and famous remark containing rich philosophic theory in chinese ancient books and records 第四,對中國古代文化典藉中言簡意賅而又富有哲理的警句名言、成語典故的改造與吸收。

Lao - tzu ' s classic book on the tao , tao - te ching , consists only of aphorism s and isolated paragraphs , making it difficult to draw an intelligible system of ethics from it 老子的經典著作“道德經“由箴言和零散的段落組成,讀者很難從其中看出道德思想。