
aphis n.(pl. aphides ) 蚜蟲;〔A-〕蚜蟲屬。


Under a policy developed in 1986 , three lead federal agencies - the u . s . department of agriculture s animal and plant health inspection service usda - aphis , the department of health and human services food and drug administration , and the environmental protection agency - have the responsibility for implementing the nation s biotechnology regulatory framework 而目前,我們的經濟如此強盛,正是行動的大好時機。然而,即便我們的經濟史無前例地強大,但我們的貿易政策應當如何以及在總體上對全球整合的作法這些問題對我國仍然是令人煩惱而又棘手。

The larvae fed by macrosiphum avenae ( f . ) , rhopalosiphum padi ( l . ) , myzus persicae ( sulzer ) and aphis citricola have not some difference on the larva weight , the pupa weight , growth and development . 6 . the most frequent sequence of the foraging behavior of e . balteatus is : searching ? capture ? consumption - cleansing - break - searching 明確了麥長管蚜、禾谷縊管蚜rhopalosiphumpadi ( l ) 、煙蚜myzuspersicae和繡線菊蚜aphiscitricola對黑帶食蚜蠅的生長發育無不良影響,是其較適合的食物;而甘藍蚜brevicorynebrassicae飼喂的黑帶食蚜蠅幼蟲存活率低,常不能正常化蛹,是其不適宜的食物。

Administration of veterinary biologic and animal drug in the united states of america is belongs to two agency : aphis - cvb and fda - cvm . mostly the legal basis for product licensure include : vst acts , 9cfr , vsm , federal food , drug , and cosmetic act , 21cfr etc . the european medicines evaluation agency for product used in animal is emea - cvmp . the legal basis on three director ( 81 / 851 / eec , 81 / 852 / eec , 2001 / 82 / eec ) and one regulation ( 2309 / 93 / eec ) 美國獸用生物制品和獸用藥品歸兩個部門管理,獸用生物制品由美國農業部動植物檢疫局( aphis )下屬的獸醫生物制品中心( cvb )負責,獸用藥品由美國健康和人類服務部食品與藥物管理局( fda )下屬的獸醫藥品中心( cvm )負責;產品注冊的有關法律法規主要包括生物制品的《病毒-血清-毒素法》 ( vstacts ) 、 《聯邦法規9 》 ( 9cfr )及一些規章如美國獸醫局發布的《美國農業部獸醫服務局規章》 ( vsm )等,獸用藥品的《聯邦食品、藥品與化妝品法》和《聯邦法規21 》等。

The population quantity of lithocolletis ringoniella mats , made up the absolute predominance from the middle ten days of july to the beginning of august and the population quantity of aphis citricola van der goot made up the absolute predominance from the last ten days of april to the beginn ing of june 山楂紅蜘蛛種群數量在3月中旬4月中旬占絕對優勢,金紋細蛾種群數量在7月中旬8初占絕對優勢,繡線菊蚜種群數量在4月下旬6月初占絕對優勢。

United states department of agriculture , animal and plant health inspection service , regulatory enforcement of animal care ( reac ) , 4700 river road , unit 84 , riverdale , md 20737 - 1234 ( tel : 301 - 734 - 4981 ; fax : 301 - 734 - 4328 ; e - mail : sstith @ aphis . usda . gov ) 《動物管理計劃》的使命是領導并通過檢查、教育和合作努力建立一套可行的人道的動物管理和對待的標準并監督其執行情況。從reac處可獲得《動物福利法規》和《動物福利法》的復印本。

Usda - aphis examines the biology of the plant i . e . , is the plant an annual or perennial , where does it grow naturally , what is its life cycle , the genetics of the plant , and the nature and origin of the genetic material used 讓這些國家在今天的全球經濟中進行貿易,就是?它們提供最有效的改革催化劑,并可促進我們最深層的利益。二十一世紀的全球經濟,將因競爭和整合使這些國家更以市場

, aphis citricola van der goot , drosicha corpulenta ( kuwana ) and choristoneura longicellana walsingham . among these species tetranychus viennensis zacher , lithocolletis ringoniella mats , and aphis citricola van der goot were the superiority species 地上部種類有山楂紅蜘蛛、繡線菊蚜、金紋細蛾、草履蚧、黃色卷蛾,其中山楂紅蜘蛛、繡線菊蚜、金紋細蛾為優勢種。

Toxicity measurement in lab indicated that the mixtures of carbosulfan and imidacloprid at different ratio all had synergistic effect on aphis citricola , in which the mixture at the ratio of 2 : 1 got the greatest synel - gistic effect 摘要室內毒力測定表明,丁硫克百威與吡蟲啉不同配比的混合物對蘋果黃蚜均有一定的增效作用,其中2 : 1混配物的增效作用幅度最大。

In this paper , predation , starvation endurance ability , foraging behavior of e . balteatus and the effect of different aphides on its growth and development , have been studied . the main results are as follows : 1 本文研究了黑帶食蚜蠅的捕食行為、搜索行為及激發因子、饑餓耐受性、功能反應、捕食作用及影響因素、不同獵物對黑帶食蚜蠅生長發育的影響等。

In fact , of the twenty rose - trees which formed the parterre , not one bore the mark of the slug , nor were there evidences anywhere of the clustering aphis which is so destructive to plants growing in a damp soil 的確,在那花壇中的那二十株玫瑰花上,沒有一只蒼蠅停在上面。那些繁生在潮濕的土壤里專門毀壞植物的綠色昆蟲,在這里卻一只都看不到。

Gramineae , myrsinaceae , bambusoidea . mostly leguminosae , specifically aphis and coccids . mainly damage gramineae , leguminosae . some species are main vermins to paddies , sugar canes and bananas 主要危害禾本科植物、豆科植物,有的種是水稻、甘蔗、香蕉等植物的主要害蟲。

Controlling aphis citricola van der goot and tetranychus viennensis zacher with a mixturecontrolling aphis citricola van der goot and tetranychus viennensis zacher with a mixtureof abamectin and cyhalothrin 氟氯乳油復配劑對蘋果黃蚜及山楂葉螨的防治效果

Effects of different amount of organic fertilizer on populations of aphis gossypii glover and tetranychus urticae koch and the yield of cucumber 有機肥不同用量對瓜蚜和葉螨種群數量及黃瓜產量的影響

The predaceous syrphid fly , episyrphus balteatus de geer is one of the significant predators for the control of aphides 黑帶食蚜蠅episyrphusbalteatusdegeer幼蟲是控制多種蚜蟲的主要天敵之一。

Possible weed consequences . usda - aphis considers whether the modified crop has the potential to become a weed 現在我要提出較偏重學理的角度,來思考貿易的經濟根據,這與一般的說法不太一樣。

Usda - aphis must consider whether the biotech crop can affect wildlife , including birds and mammals that could feed on crops 是以,貿易便是以其他方式來尋求和平。但我們不可或忘,這也是在

The agency that seems poised to take charge is the usda animal and plant health inspection service ( aphis ) 美國農業部動植物衛生檢驗局目前正在考慮是否要全權接管這些相關業務。

I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape , making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphides 我用一條膠帶把桃樹底部包上,不讓螞蟻接近蚜蟲。

The influence of temperature and host plants on the experimental population of aphis gossypii glover 溫度和寄主植物對瓜蚜實驗種群增長的影響