
aphid n.= aphis.


The asian lady beetle eats aphids that damage crops like soybeans , fruits and berries 亞洲甲蟲吃掉了破壞莊稼的蚜蟲,比如大豆,水果和草莓等。

This popular tree nut suffers from aphids and other pests that the beetles eat 這種常見的堅果飽受蚜蟲和其他害蟲的侵害,瓢蟲可以吃這些害蟲。

Aphids are tiny insects that develop colonies on plants and eat plant fluids 蚜蟲是一種很小的昆蟲,它會在植物上散播幼蟲并且吸食植物的液體。

He searched the grass and trees around the cotton fields to trace the source of the aphids 他在棉花地周圍的草叢、樹干上找尋蚜蟲產生的根源。

Flight activity rhythm of the cotton aphid , aphis gossypii glover in nanjing and its flight capacity 南京地區棉蚜的飛行活動節律及其飛行能力

Aphids are tiny insects that develop colonies on plants and eat plant fluids 蚜蟲是一種微型蟲子,它們在植物上擴展聚居地,飲食植物的汁液。

Cloning of ava gene from amaranthus viridis and effect of aphid resistance on transgenic tobacco plants 野莧菜凝集素基因的克隆及抗蚜性

Resistance to birdcherry aphid , rhopalosiphum padi aphididae : homoptera in 35 turfgrass varieties 35個草坪草品種對禾谷縊管蚜抗性的研究

Effect of avater and imidacloprid mixture on vegetable aphid and plutella xylostella l 安打與吡蟲啉混配對蔬菜蚜蟲和小菜蛾的防治效果

This popular tree nut suffers from aphids and other pests that the beetles eat 這種受歡迎的果實遭受瓢蟲消滅的蚜蟲和其它害蟲的侵害。

Effect of temperature on the population increase of corn leaf aphid rhopalosiphum maidis on wheat 溫度對小麥上玉米蚜種群增長的影響

Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves 結果在樹葉背面找到成串的叫作蚜蟲小蟲子。

Screening and evaluation of wheat germplasm for resistance to the aphid sitobion avenae 小麥種質對麥長管蚜的抗性鑒定與評價

Effect of temperature on the population increase of corn leaf aphid , rhopalosiphum maidis 溫度對玉米蚜種群增長的影響

They . they attract aphids 它們.它們會引蟲子

The experiment of biology and pathogenicity of beauveria bassiana against tobacco aphid 球孢白僵菌對煙蚜致病力研究

The study on the control technique of tobacco virus spread by aphids in shaanxi 陜西煙草蚜傳病毒病防治技術研究

They . . . . they attract aphids 它們. . .它們會引蟲子

Aphids can also spread crop diseases 蚜蟲還會傳播莊稼疾病。