
aphesis n.【語言學】詞首母音脫落 〔esquire 轉變為 s...


Video compression plays an important role on digit moving picture processing , since it affects the picture ' s quality , comprcssing rate and visual degree in video sequence . adopting the same aphesis on the different objects , this approach which has employed by mpeg - 2 standard has led to a blur image of key objects , especially for those of the human faces 視頻壓縮是數字視頻處理的關鍵技術,其決定了圖像的質量、壓縮率和對象的可分辨性,但是目前的mpeg壓縮算法將不同圖像對象以相同的方式處理使視頻圖像中的關鍵對象信息無法清晰表達。