
aphasia n.【醫學】無語言能力,失語(癥)。


Consecutive aphasia patients with a first - ever stroke were admitted to a neurorehabilitation unit 2 to 8 weeks after their event and randomized to 1 of 2 study groups , levodopa plus therapy or placebo plus therapy 首次發作卒中且有失語的患者被收入神經康復單元并隨機分為加用左旋多巴組或安慰劑對照組。

At theory , it cold deepen chinese architect aesthetics from two levels , and in practice for contemporary chinese architecture , it could make for getting out of the puzzling of aphasia 在理論上,可以從兩個層面上深化中國建筑美學;在實踐上,有助于當代中國建筑走出“失語”的困惑。

The national aphasia association promotes public education , research , rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families 國家失語癥協會是促進公共教育、研究、康復和支持的機構,以幫助失語癥患者和他們的家屬。

Major postoperative complications included temporal aphasia ( 1 patients ) , cerebral edema ( 2 ) , facial nerves palsies ( 1 ) and cerebrospinal fluid leakage ( 1 case ) 術后一過性失語1例,腦水腫2例,周圍性面癱1例,腦脊液耳漏1例,腰穿引流后好轉。

The national aphasia association promotes public education , research , rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families 美國)國家失語癥協會:促進大眾教育、研究、以及對失語癥患者與家庭的復健與支持服務。

A final goal of treatment of aphasia is to improve the patient ' s ability to speak , understand , read and write without electronic communication aids 36醫:失語癥的最終治療目標是改善患者說話、理解、閱讀、和無需借助電子設備的閱讀能力。

The national aphasia association promotes public education , research , rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families 國家失語癥協會推動公共教育、研究、復原和支援服務,以幫助失語癥患者及其家人。

It is well - known , she added , that in the early stages of aphasia recovery , speech and language training help support the brain ' s natural neuroplasticity 她同時提到,眾所周知,在失語的早期恢復階段,語言訓練可以幫助腦神經自然成形。

These images are from an 86 year old man , with a history of atrial fibrillation and diabetes mellitus , who had the sudden onset of fluent aphasia 這些影像來自一位86歲的老年男性,具有心房纖顫和糖尿病的歷史,突發流利性失語。

Study participants were assessed using the boston diagnostic aphasia examination ( bdae ) at baseline and at 3 - week study completion 對研究參與者在基線時和3周研究完成后均使用波士頓失語診斷測驗( bdae )進行評估。

The patient was begun on intravenous heparin , and his neurologic status remained stable with mild improvement in aphasia 治療首先靜脈滴注肝磷脂,患者的神經系統癥狀穩定,失語有輕微好轉。

There were neither aphasia noted postoperatively , which gave indirect evidence to the accuracy of isa procedure 手術后患者均未發生失語癥與失憶癥,可說是間接證明了瓦達試的準確性。

Observation of curative effect of fuyu decoction combined with speech training on aphasia from ischemic apoplexy in 104 cases 復語湯配合言語訓練治療缺血性中風后失語104例

The patient was thought to have a transcortical motor aphasia with a right central seventh nerve palsy 考慮患者是皮質聯接障礙型失語并伴有右側中樞性面神經癱瘓。

Treatment of aphasia due to acute ischemic apoplexy by zhongfeng huiyu dan : a clinical observation of 30 cases 中風回語丹治療急性缺血性中風失語癥30例療效觀察

Influence of cognitive dysfunction on language function in patients with aphasia following brain injury 短暫性腦缺血發作患者認知功能與腦血流量改變

Clinical observation on treatment of aphasia due to apoplexy with acupuncture of governor vessel and tongue 針刺督脈及舌體治療中風失語癥臨床觀察

Clinical observation on acupuncture for treatment of aphasia due to ischemic stroke at the early stage 通關開竅針法治療缺血性中風早期失語癥觀察

Specific deficit regarding the precessing of noun and verb in stroke aphasia : one case analysis 卒中失語的動詞與名詞加工缺損特異性的個案分析