
apf APF = animal protein factor ...


In chapter two , the system structure and working principle of apf are introduced also the affection on compensation precision when main parameters of apf vary are studied 并對有源電力濾波器的主要參數如交流側濾波電感值、直流側電容電壓及滯環寬度對補償精度的影響進行了分析。

This thesis studies new detection and control approaches of distortion currents for active power filters to satisfy the diverse requirements for apf to apply in the modern power system 本文研究apf畸變電流檢測和控制新的方法,以適應現代電力系統的多變性及不同apf應用的要求。

It comprehensively expounds the essence character and era connotation of the apf , emphasizes on its advanced nature , which better masters its profound connotation 較為全面深入地論述了先進生產力的本質特征和時代內涵,重點突出了其先進性所在,從而較好地把握了其深刻內涵。

The compensate performance of apf is determined by detecting the harmful currents accurately and real - timely and the current tracking control strategy of the converter 有源電力濾波器的補償性能很大程度上取決于對畸變電流的實時、準確檢測和變流器輸出電流的控制策略。

The typical control methods for apf such as triangular wave modulate , hysteresis control and timing control , etc , these methods all have some demerits 而有源電力濾波器常用的控制方法為三角波調制、滯環控制和定時控制等常規的pwm控制法,這些方法均存在一定的不足。

Meanwhile , the rating of apf deriving from the topology of hybrid active power filter in this paper is much smaller than that of deriving from traditional topology 同時,本文所研究的混合濾波器拓撲結構,其有源部分的安裝容量相對目前常見的電路有很大程度的降低。

Chapter five introduced the 15kva apf test system . conclusions and prospects for dsp controllers applied in apf are given in the last chapter 第五章介紹了基于dsp控制的15kva并聯有源電力濾波器的實驗系統,并對不同大小的負載時補償的結果進行了分析。

Secretary of world packaging organization carl olsmats and president of apf ( asiatic packaging federation ) dharma ratnayake attended the ceremony 世界包裝組織秘書長卡爾?奧斯邁茨,亞洲包裝聯盟主席達爾馬?拉特納亞克等參加了昨天的奠基儀式。

Implementation of apf is easier and faster than the existed methods , and it is suited to online adaptive steady - state detection 與現有方法相比,基于多項式濾波的自適應穩態檢測方法具有實現簡單、運算速度快、適用于信號的在線自動穩態檢測。

Chapter 2 particular expounds the basic theory for elimination of harmonic and compensation of reactive power instantaneous reactive power theory 本文第二章闡述了apf的諧波消除和無功補償的理論基礎- -瞬時無功功率理論。

Based the simplest solutions of control equations , one - cycle controller for the three - phase four - wire apf with four - leg is presented 基于控制方程的最簡解,建立了單周控制四橋臂三相四線制有源電力濾波器的電路模型。

An accurate and real - time detecting instantaneous distorted current is critical for apf to accurately compensate harmonic currents 準確、實時地檢測出電網中瞬態變化的畸變電流,是有源電力濾波器進行精確補償的關鍵。

The improved algorithm can overcome the two existent problems in traditional apf and can improve the efficient and make the path better 改進后的算法克服了傳統人工勢場法存在的兩個主要問題,也提高了路徑規劃的效率。

Active power filter ( apf ) is much more advanced than passive power filter to restrain this pollution effectively 為了解決電網污染問題,有源電力濾波器已經日益成為繼無源濾波器之后的更為先進的電網濾波器裝置。

In this paper , the basic principle of shunt active power filter ( apf ) is introduced briefly and the control system of apf based on dsp is proposed 該設備在電網中運行,對電網的諧波進行抑制取得了良好的效果。

Part three , knowledge of the development law of the apf and conception on the measures of developing our contemporary apf 第三部分,對先進生產力發展規律的認識及發展我國當代先進生產力的措施之構想。

Aiming at these problems , this paper makes detail study on the parameters design and simulation of a three - phase four - wire shunt apf 本文針對這一情況,對三相四線制并聯型apf進行了參數設計和仿真。

On the other hand , apf with vector operation of unified constant frequency integration ( uci ) control is presented in this thesis 另外,針對以上方法的不足提出了通用常頻積分控制矢量模式的apf 。

In order to better guide the practice of developing the contemporary apf of china , we need to further study the apf theory 為了更好地指導發展我國先進生產力的實踐,理論研究仍需進一步深入。