
apery n.1.學樣,摹仿。2.猴房。3.愚蠢的行為,惡作劇的行...


Research show that wavelet varied - grid feature vector is characterized by high - stable and high - distinguish . based on this vector the apery cognitron has solved the harmony of single - classifier and multi - classifier and the harmony of multi - feature . the data shows that the recognition rate and reliability has been effective improve 實驗數據表明,小波變網格特征向量具有穩定性高、區分性強的特點,基于此的智能字符識別機解決了單、多分類器協調和特征協調問題,在應用快速二值化方法加強處理實時性的同時有效地提高了車牌字符的識別率和識別可靠性。

( 2 ) the key to improve the processing time is the multi - scale feature used to accelerate the binary - process . ( 3 ) apery intelligent character cognitron has been given based on the varied - grid feature vector and multiplayer and multi - mode of cognition psychoanalysis ( 2 )識別實時性改進的關鍵是提高二值化處理速度,主要利用小波多尺度特性變閾值的全局搜索為局部定位,提出一種改進的二值化方法。

This paper first introduces the theory and method of vehicle automated driving based on magnetic markers , analyzes the results of vehicle automated driving based on the apery control and points out the shortcoming of it 摘要介紹了基于磁道釘導航的車輛自動駕駛的原理和實現方法,分析用此方法建立仿人控制模型來實際控制車輛自動駕駛的結果,指出仿人控制模型的不足之處。

The applycation of apery intelligent controller in control of heating system 仿人智能控制器在熱網控制中的應用