
aperture n.1.孔,隙縫。2.(照相機的)光圈;孔徑,口徑。

aperture card

Determination of propeller position in aperture for mono - hull ships 單槳船螺旋槳安裝位置確定

Efeal extended field elliptical aperture lens 可擴展掃描橢圓孔鏡頭

Research on the radiation pulse width of the aperture antenna 口徑天線輻射脈沖持續時間的研究

There ' s going to be a mezzanine floor with a circular aperture 在劇場的中層會開一個圓形的洞

The aperture is determined by the camera ' s built - in program 光圈是由相機的內建程序設定的。

Fdtd analysis for shielding effect of metal plate with apertures 法分析開孔金屬板的屏蔽效能

Microfilm aperture card for film 35 mm 35 mm膠片用縮微膠片穿孔卡片

Focusing of ultrashort pulse by small - aperture lenses 超短脈沖經過小數值口徑透鏡的聚焦特性

Optical system design for lens with relative aperture of 11 相對孔徑為11鏡頭的光學系統設計

Horology - casing for two - piece case with round aperture 鐘表業.帶圓孔的兩件式表殼用外套

Flood protection products - specification - building apertures 防洪用品.規范.建筑物排水孔

Numerical aperture measurement of graded - index optical fibers 分級指數光纖的數值孔徑測量

Micrographics . aperture card , data processing type 縮微照相. mm縮彩膠卷用機械穿孔縮微卡

Wire gauze with triangular apertures and round wires 三角孔圓絲金屬網

Development of synthetic aperture radar and jam technique 合成孔徑雷達的發展與干擾技術

Point spread function in coded aperture imaging system 編碼孔徑成像系統中的點擴散函數

The aperture should be fully opened for best result 拍攝時應把光圈盡開。

Photography . photographic equipment . range of apertures 攝影.攝影器材.光圈大小的分級

Micrographics - use of bar codes on aperture cards 縮微攝影技術.開窗卡上條形碼的使用