
aperiodic adj.1.非周期的。2.【物理學】非周期性(振動)的。...


Insulators leakage current has a close relationship with insulators contamination and humidity state , so it can provide an integrated reflection of the course of contamination flashover . the contamination flashover on - line monitoring device introduced in this paper predominates the insulators insulation degree by measuring leakage current , environment temperature and humidity . with the help of the device , an active partial aperiodic cleaning method will substitute the former passive general fixed cleaning method in order to prevent the contamination flashover to a larger extent 本文所描述的防污閃在線監測系統通過直接測量絕緣子表面的泄漏電流及環境的溫度和濕度,經過數據處理、分析、判斷,達到對絕緣子絕緣狀況實時監測的目的,以此為依據變定期的、全面的、被動的清洗為不定期的、局部的、主動的清洗,最大程度地防止污閃事故的發生。

In the integrated scheduling service , hard periodic tasks are scheduled off - line to meet their real - time requirements , and each soft aperiodic task request is assigned a suitable deadline to enhance the aperiodic responsiveness . scheduling guarantees of hard periodic tasks are preserved through the on - line schedulability analysis . the sharing of critical section resources between the tasks is also considered in the integrated scheduling service ' s schedulability analysis , and bounded blocking for accessing the critical section resource is achieved by introducing the priority ceiling protocol 在該模型中,對硬實時周期性任務集進行離線調度以滿足其可調度性保證:給動態到達的軟實時非周期性任務分配一個截止期,提高其響應性能,同時通過在線可調度性分析保證周期性任務的可調度性不受影響;集成調度服務模型在可調度性分析中還考慮了任務之間共享臨界區資源的情況,采用優先級上限協議對訪問臨界區引起的阻塞進行了定界分析。

Then an lqocm linear quadratic optimal control model is presented . finally , experiments demonstrate that , for the end - to - end drts whose control matrix - pmb g falls into the stable region , the ic - eat is convergent and stable . moreover , it is capable of providing better qos guarantees for end - to - end aperiodic tasks and improving the system throughput 在這之中,一部分系統常常運行于動態與不確定環境,比如:在一個自動監控系統中,被監控目標數的動態變化使得系統中任務的到達與離開呈現出非周期性此外,任務的執行時間也隨著系統任務數目標距控制中心距離的變化而變化。

Melp which can work at the rate of 2 . 4kb / s has been chosen as u . s . federal standard , melp algorithm is on the basis of line prediction ( lp ) . five auxiliary characters has been introduced into melp algorithm , they are mixed excitation , aperiodic pulse , fourier magnitudes pulse dispersion and adaptive spectral filtering 作為一種重要的低速率語音編碼算法,美國聯邦標準melp算法對lpc - 10編碼方案做了大量改進,引入了混合激勵,非周期脈沖,殘差付氏幅度譜,脈沖散布和自適應譜濾波五個附加特征,在2 . 4kbit / s的速率下取得了比較自然的語音質量。

In the case of the dimensionless eccentricity 0 . 5 , if there are larger regular zones in the time - periodic chaotic flows , the efficiency of chaotic mixing can be improved using corresponding symmetry - breaking sequences , otherwise the efficiency of time - periodical flows is better than of the corresponding symmetry - breaking aperiodic flows 通過數值計算比較時間周期和非周期對稱破壞序列的混沌混合,發現對稱破壞序列并不一定總能破壞周期混沌混合的常規區,并提出對稱破壞序列優于周期序列混合的前提條件。

First of all , the correlation definitions of spreading sequences , which are used widely in the system performance evaluation , are provided , including the cross - conrrelation property at a specific shift , the periodic ( cross - ) correlation mean square property and the aperiodic ( cross - ) mean square correlation property 本文首先給出了系統性能分析中常用的擴頻序列集相關性定義,包括在特定位移處的互相關特性、周期(互)相關均方特性、非周期(互)相關均方特性等;通過對wh序列集、 go序列集和ls序列集構造方法的分析,得到了其相關特性的分析結果。

By numerical simulations the author found the eccentricity produces very large effects on the chaotic mixing . when the eccentricity is high , there always exist very large regular zones in time - periodic flows and these regular zones ca n ' t be removed in aperiodic flows . the optimal configuration is that the dimensionless eccentricity is 0 . 5 數值模擬發現偏心率對混沌混合結構有很大的影響,偏心率很大時,常規區總是存在,而且非周期序列并不能消除這些常規區,分析表明,偏心圓筒內二維時間周期和對稱破壞序列混沌混合最佳的幾何條件是無量綱偏心率在0 . 5附近時。

Considered the tiny quantity of the hydrogen , first we choose the gas chromatography technology to analyze the component of the work gas and to obtain the chromatography curve . then , treat the curve with the adaptive aperiodic stochastic resonance algorithm in order to eliminate the apparatus noise submerged in the tiny hydrogen signal . at last , calculate the quantity of the hydrogen based on that the quantity varies directly as a function of the area of the chromatography curve 考慮到氫的含量非常微弱,在測量時采用氣相色譜法,并通過自適應非線性隨機共振算法對色譜信號進行處理,以便提取出被儀器噪聲淹沒了的微弱氫信號的色譜曲線,最后根據氫含量與其色譜峰面積呈正比計算出工作氣體中的氫含量。

Finally , the results are compared with periodic and random chains . then we studied acoustic wave propagation in 1d quasiperiodic and aperiodic systems by means of he transfer matrix . transmission rate , reflection rate , energy flow , logarithmic energy flow , energy density and lyapunov exponent are computed numerically , and compared with periodic and random system 其次研究了聲波在幾種一維準周期和非周期系統中的傳播,通過轉移矩陣的方法,數值地得到了系統的傳播系數t _ n 、反射系數r _ n 、能流密度j _ n ,能量密度e _ n和lyapunov指數,給出了以上各量與傳播長度n以及頻率之間的關系,同時發現能流及能量密度都具有分形結構,并與周期和隨機系統的結果作了比較。

Compared with the traditional curve - based method , this method can calculate the currents with high accuracy and little user effort . it can automatically calculate the periodic components of varying short circuit currents at anytime , and the aperiodic components of the symmetric short circuit currents 該計算機算法大大減輕了傳統運算曲線算法的工作量,且具有較高的準確度,能夠自動完成系統短路時任意時刻電流衰減周期分量的求解,及對稱短路時短路電流非周期分量的求解。

First of all , correlation properties of orthogonal variable - length spreading sequences are analyzed and new closed - form expressions of mai of the cdma systems are derived in terms of aperiodic partial correlation of variable - length sequences . then , the self - interference ( si ) , mai and bit - error - rate ( ber ) performance of the desired user in a multi - rate cdma system are analyzed 本文首先分析了正交變長擴頻序列的相關特性,導出了以變長序列非周期部分相關表示的cdma系統多址干擾( mai )新的分析表達式,并分析了多速率碼分多址系統中,期望用戶的自干擾( si ) 、多址干擾和誤比特( ber )性能。

This paper proposes an end - to - end utilization control architecture and an ic - eat integration control for end - to - end aperiodic tasks algorithm , which features a distributed feedback loop that dynamically enforces the desired utilization bound on multiple processors . ic - eat integrates admission control with feedback control , which is able to dynamically determine the qos quality of service of incoming tasks and guarantee the end - to - end deadlines of admitted tasks 在這樣的系統中,每一個任務由多個子任務組成,子任務之間有著前驅后繼關系,形成一個執行鏈chain ,并分階段依次運行于不同的cpu上,比如:一個監控任務需要經過以下3個子任務的處理:傳感器采樣數據傳輸本地數據顯示,而每個子任務分別運行在不同處理機上。

It is discussed that the present harmonic analyzers do n ' t satisfy the requirements of china standard for harmonic measure of quick disturbance harmonic load . the measurement error brought about by the harmonic analyzers adopting ft or fft algorithm is analyzed . a cycle discrete fourier algorithm that should n ' t be effected by aperiodic component is presented , and the results of simulation show that it has higher accureacy 本文對電力系統諧波的測量方法,數據處理及電力牽引負荷對電力系統的影響進行了研究,論述了目前國內外生產的諧波分析儀用于快速波動諧波負荷的測量不滿足國標的要求,分析了諧波分析儀普遍采用的ft或fft算法所產生的測量誤差,提出了一種不受非周期分量影響的全周波離散傅里葉算法,仿真結果表明精度好。

In this paper , we have studied the transmission of a plane wave through a 1d quasiperiodic or aperiodic chain by numerical method . moreover the heat conduction for these chains is calculated . it is found that the heat flux j ~ n - 1 ( 0 . 5 < < 1 ) , and depends on the on - site potentials 本文首先用數值方法,計算了各種頻率的平面波通過以上幾種典型的一維準周期和非周期鏈的透射系數,并據此研究了這幾種一維準周期和非周期鏈的熱通量j與粒子數n之間的關系,得出j n ~ ( a - 1 ) , 0 . 5 1 ,與系統中在位勢的大小有關,并與其他系統的結果作了比較。

Deadline monotonic algorithm is studied from several perspectives including the development history of the theory , the scheduability test algorithm , priority inversion solutions , aperiodic task handling etc . and 2 important conclusions of the theory : static optimal property and the sufficient and necessary feasibility test , are discussed in proof form 從理論發展歷史、可調度性測試方法、優先級倒置的處理、非周期任務的處理等幾個方面對截止時間單調算法進行了研究。并對算法的兩個重要結論:靜態最優性和可調度性測試方法分別進行了證明和推導。

Then based on the analysis of the constructions of wh , go and ls sequences , the corresponding correlation properties are derived and methods of selecting subsets with good periodic mean - square cross - correlation property or aperiodic mean - square correlation property from the wh set and go sequence set whose go zone z = l are investigated . furthermore , the methods of truncating the go sequences to obtain the quasi - orthogonal ( qo ) set whose family size m is larger than the length l and the quasi - generalized - orthogonal ( qgo ) set whose size m is larger than li2z are discussed , together with the numerical results of the correlation properties 基于這些結果,探討了如何從wh序列集和廣義正交區z = 1的go序列集中,分別按照周期互相關均方特性最優和非周期相關均方特性最優的準則選擇性能較好的序列子集;同時討論了將廣義正交序列截短來獲得準正交( qo )序列集和廣義準正交序列集( gqo )的方法,并給出了這一類序列相關特性的數值計算結果。

Discriminating scheduling policies are applied to the 2 subsets . real - time tasks are also categorized 2 - dimentionally by arrival pattern ( periodic tasks vs . aperiodic tasks ) and deadline type ( hard real - time tasks , firm deadline tasks , etc . ) , and the policies to implement deadline monotonic algorithm on these types of tasks are discussed 并且將實時任務按照到達模式(周期性任務,非周期任務等)和截止時間類型(硬截止時間單調技術研究與實時調度模型的實現實時任務,固定截至時間任務等)兩個維度進行了分類,討論了如何利用截至時間單調算法處理不同類型的實時任務。

This thesis investigates the application and implementation of adaptive array based on mmse criteria in the presence of strong man - made interferences and aperiodic spread spectrum codes , including reference signal generating , afc in adaptive antennas array , and an application of adaptive antennas for a general non - spread spectrum signal , ssb ( single sideband ) communication system is presented . the thesis is outlined as follows 論文研究了在強人為干擾和非周期擴頻碼情況下,基于mmse準則的擴頻系統自適應天線陣的實現和應用問題,包括參考信號提取、自適應天線陣中的afc ,并給出了在非擴頻信號單邊帶ssb ( singlesideband )信號通信系統中的自適應天線的應用。

An increasing number of drts distributed real - time systems are employing an end - to - end aperiodic task model . the key challenges of such drts are guaranteeing utilization on multiple processors to achieve overload protection , and meeting the end - to - end deadlines of aperiodic tasks 近來,一種具有端到端任務模型的分布式實時系統drts distributed real - time systems應用日趨廣泛,比如下一代的軍用航空電子系統艦載電子系統以及具有多層結構的web服務和數據庫服務。