
apeak adj.〔用作表語〕,adv.【航海】(錨、槳等)豎著。


Efficay : contain apeak sculpt formula , it can smooth the untidy hair after wake up , and make your hair apeak to the end of hair , help your hair refreshing but not oily , if you want to creat ideal straight hair , do up your hair with comb then dry hair with hair dryer , if you want your hair to be more smooth , do up your hair till dry naturally 功效:含有垂墜造型配方,能迅速順直睡醒后蓬松亂翹的頭發,從而使你的秀發垂墜直至發梢,助您的秀發清爽不粘膩;如果要營造理想的直發效果,用梳子梳直并用電吹風吹干,如果要頭發更順滑,用梳子梳理后自然風干。