
ape n.1.猿;無尾猿,短尾猿,類人猿。2.學樣的人。3.失...

The king asked , “ why is the ape crying ? 國王問道: “猿猴哭什么呀? ”

With a “ planet of the apes “ doll stuck up his asshole 用猩猩的星球玩具,次如他的屁眼

Generally speaking, they are “intermediate“ in some aspects between apes and men . 一般說來,他們在某些方面是介乎猿和人之間的“中間環節。”

ape hanger

And i am your friend ape - man daniel 大牛:我是您的好朋友? ?人猿泰牛。

An ape is an ape , though decked with gold 盡管穿金戴銀,仍然是猿猴。

Apes and humans are different species 類人猿與人類是不同的生物種類。

The king asked , “ why is the ape crying ? 國王問道: “猿猴哭什么呀? ”

I don ' t know where that skunk ape sleeps 我不知道那只臭鼬鼠猿睡在哪里

The essential difference between man and ape is intelligence 人和猿最基本的區別是智力。

It is incorrect to say that the progenitor of man is ape 說人的祖先是類人猿是不正確的。

What the hell is that ? an ape ? - no 那到底是個什么玩意?猿猴嗎? -不是

Hey , guys . - you guys know these yard apes 嗨,小家伙們-你們這些小家伙認識這個小猴子?

Inference of burial place of nihewan ape - man 對泥河灣古猿人葬身處的推測

- what the hell is that ? an ape ? - no -那到底是個什么玩意?猿猴嗎? -不是

A community of apes lives in this part of the jungle 有一群人猿生活在叢林的這個區域。

He did not ape . he sought principles 他并不亦步亦趨,只追求其中的原理。

The ability of apes for imitation is interesting 猿類的模仿能力很有趣。

Correctly , the gorilla is not a monkey , but an ape 正確地說大猩猩不是猴子,而是類人猿。

With a “ planet of the apes “ doll stuck up his asshole 用猩猩的星球玩具,次如他的屁眼