
apc 短語和例子APC =1.aspirin, phenace...


The right way is utilizing the key software technology to design apc software and this will bring us the chance to break the monopolization 利用革命性的軟件技術設計各種行業軟件是唯一的出路,這給我們帶來了打破壟斷的機會。

Once your opponent sees that this is how you are advancing , they would likely build some apc ' s / buggies / gun walkers and quickly eliminate your opposing threat 一旦對手發現你造了狂熱者,他們會運兵車/四驅車/蜘蛛來清除威脅。

And using apc ( advanced process control ) technology to control the production setting aims at decreasing the production cost , saving energy 同時利用先進控制技術對生產裝置進行控制以達到降低生產成本,節約能源的目的。

Based to the practical result , we get a conclusion that adopting fuzzy - pid control method can get the best time and the best efficiency 實際應用結果表明,采用fuzzy - pid控制的apc控制系統,時間和效率都得到很大的提高。

The feasibility studies on the automated passenger clearance ( apc ) and automated vehicle clearance ( avc ) projects have been completed 旅客自助出入境檢查計劃和車輛(司機)自助出入境檢查計劃的可行性研究已經完成。

Apc feasibility study reports the following information is in pdf format . you may need the adobe acrobat reader software application to view 本報告未有中文本,有關資料可瀏覽旅客自助出入境檢查系統可行性研究報告的

Foodstuffs - detection of irradiated food using direct epifluorescent filter technique aerobic plate count deft apc - screening method ; german version en 13783 : 2001 食品.直接外熒光過濾器技術供氧盤計數法檢測經輻照

As gdi , you can engineer / apc to capture them all the time since its probably the easiest and most secure way to do it 作為gdi ,你可以在任何時候用工程師/ apc去占領它們,因為它可能是最簡單而最安全的方法了。

We provided acc and apc two modes for the close loop controlling of current . parameter fuzzy - pid is used to control the temperature 鑒于溫度和驅動電流變化對激光器性能的影響,測試時需保證恒溫恒流。

Foodstuffs - detection of irradiated food using direct epifluorescent filter technique aerobic plate count deft apc - screening method 食品.用直接外熒光過濾器技術供氧盤計數法檢測經輻照的食品.篩分法

Foodstuffs - detection of irradiated food using direct epifluorescent filter technique aerobic plate count deft apc - screening methods 食品.用直接外熒光過濾器技術供氧盤計數法檢測輻照食品.篩選法

Experience : minimal five ( 5 ) years experience in the apc industry and / or proposal preparation in technology - based projects business 經驗:至少五年空氣污染控制工業和/或技術性項目投標準備相關經驗。

You should probably use 4 attack bikes against gdi , so that you can kill their engineer apc ' s that they might be sending for you 對付gdi用4輛比較合適,這樣你可以有機會消滅其裝載工程師的運兵車。

Intercepted radio communications show that one us apc was destroyed and at least 5 soldiers were killed and wounded 被截獲的無線電通訊表明一輛霉菌裝甲運兵車被擊毀,至少五名霉菌士兵被擊斃擊傷。

Application of advanced process control ( apc ) technology to the product line of middle - density fibre board is dealt with 本文介紹了先進控制技術在中密度纖維板生產線的具體應用。

If you prefere attacks over defences , we recommendthe mortar upgrade for the [ color = darkred ] [ b ] m113 [ / b ] [ / color ] apc 如果你喜歡攻擊而不是防御,我們推薦你為m113裝甲運兵升級迫擊炮。

Minimal five ( 5 ) years experience in the apc industry and / or proposal preparation in technology - based projects business 至少五年空氣污染控制工業和/或技術性項目投標準備相關經驗

Get a hold of them always , with engineer / apcs , and try to make sure he cannot recapture them if possible 永遠控制住它們,使用工程師/ apc ,盡可能努力確保他們不被敵人占領。

Add in the occasional apc for engineer rushing , at which you ' ll need to build an engineer out of barracks 穿插一些apc為了工程師快攻,同時你需要要從兵營造一個工程師。