
apatite n.【礦物】磷灰石。

This preliminary research focus on the tectonic uplift in late mesozoic - early cenozoic after the main collision oregeny to understand more and detail on the total process of tectonics evolvement in east dabie mountain and beihuaiyuan area . the research works that have been done are : apatite fission track dating , apatite thermal - evolvement patterns ; the fluid characteristics including fluid inclusions “ microthermometer , the compositions , 5 d - 8 18o , and their geochemistry , thermodynamics parameters 為更全面了解東大別山及北淮陽地區大地構造完整的演化,并為之提供研究實例積累,本研究主要從熱年代學及造山后流體特點角度對東大別山及北淮陽構造區碰撞造山后中生代未-新生代初構造隆升活動進行了初步探討。

The composites are soaked in simulated body fluid ( sbf ) to evaluate their biological behaviors . the results suggest that all the composites show bioactive as there are nano apatite / “ crystallites formed on the surface of the composites ‘把不同ha含量的iiarpmma復合材料浸入模擬體液( sbf )中,一段時間后發現,這些復合材料表面都有類骨磷灰石相生成,樣品質量有不同程度的增加,而形貌上的區別較大,說明本工作獲得的復合材料都具有生物活性。


This preliminary research focus on the tectonic uplift in late mesozoic - early cenozoic after the main collision oregeny to understand more and detail on the total process of tectonics evolvement in east dabie mountain and beihuaiyuan area . the research works that have been done are : apatite fission track dating , apatite thermal - evolvement patterns ; the fluid characteristics including fluid inclusions “ microthermometer , the compositions , 5 d - 8 18o , and their geochemistry , thermodynamics parameters 為更全面了解東大別山及北淮陽地區大地構造完整的演化,并為之提供研究實例積累,本研究主要從熱年代學及造山后流體特點角度對東大別山及北淮陽構造區碰撞造山后中生代未-新生代初構造隆升活動進行了初步探討。

Oxide films with different thickness and properties can be anodically formed on the surface of ti6a14v alloy under different electrochemical conditions . the bonding strength of bonelike apatite layer formed on the titanium oxide films to the substrates under different heat treatment temperature is examined under tensile stress 本文研究了鈦及鈦合金植入材料在不同的電化學、化學處理條件下生物活性薄膜的制備、生物活性骨質磷灰石的形成過程及機理以及不同熱處理溫度對表面磷灰石與試樣基體結合強度的影響。

In this paper , the researches on the substitutions of ca - polyhedral , p - tetrahedral and channel positions in apatite structure are reviewed , the structural sites , substitution forms and mechanism of isomorphic ions are discussed , and the influence of the substitution of this mineral upon the environmental mineralogy is briefly described 摘要綜述了作為重要環境礦物材料的磷灰石在鈣位、四面體位和結構通道位置上類質同象替換的研究進展,討論了替換離子的結構占位、替換形式和機理,并就替換對這種礦物在環境治理領域應用的影響進行了簡要評述。

And apatite . by these analyses and comparison with general granite both in china and the world and with the granite in other au or cu belt in china , the characteristics of the granite in this area are concluded as follows . it belongs to magnetite - i or syntectic granite and has crust - mantle mixed characteristics ; it was formed mainly by crystallization differentiation of melting magma and multiphase varied intrusion ; the degree of differentiation evolvement is not high ; the granite and its enclaves p . re congenetic ; the range of temperature is about 500 - 700 , the range of pressure is about 2 . 50 gpa - 4 . 35 gpa , and the range of oxygen fugacity ( lg fo2 ) is - 15 . 53 - - 14 . 00 ; most granite bodies formed before the collision of plates , and few formed after the collision of plates 通過對測試數據的分析與綜合研究,并同中國和世界一般花崗巖類以及中國主要金、銅成礦巖體的花崗巖類進行對比,得出本區花崗巖類巖石具有以下特征:屬磁鐵礦-型或同熔型花崗巖,其巖漿物質具殼幔混源特征:主要由熔融態巖漿經結晶分異作用,通過多期變速上侵而形成;其分異演化程度較低;寄主巖基和包體具有同源性;巖石的形成溫度范圍約為500 - 700 ,壓力大約為2 . 50gpa - 4 . 35gpa ,氧逸度值1gfo _ 2為- 15 . 53 ? 14 . 00 ;該巖帶主要形成于板塊碰撞前消減的活動板塊邊緣期,為燕山至喜馬拉雅早期的大陸邊緣火山弧環境的產物。

The formation process of green loose stone , be called an outside to living to pour to filter on the geology because of , matching these conditional rocks is the volcano of the acidity jet of rock with contain rich mineral apatite of granite , be matching these conditions to become on the earth green loose the mineral of stone is rare scarcity , is a very precious rare jewelry 綠松石的形成過程,地質上稱為外生淋濾成因,符合這些條件的巖石是酸性的火山噴出的巖和含富礦物磷灰石的花崗巖,在地球上,符合這些條件成為綠松石的礦物罕見稀少,是很珍貴的稀有珍寶

It could be divided into six paleogeotemperature evolution stages from early cretaceous to recent based on the result of apatite fission - tracks analysis ; subsidence - buried history analysis shows that chagan experienced fault depression stage during early cretaceous bayingebi - suhongtu period , transional stage from fault depression to sag in yingen period , and sag stage since wulansuhai stage 磷灰石裂變徑跡模擬分析結果認為早白堊世至今大致可分為6個古地溫演化階段;沉降?埋藏史模擬揭示查干凹陷經歷了早白堊世巴音戈壁?蘇紅圖期的斷陷期、銀根期的斷?坳陷轉化期和晚白堊世烏蘭蘇海期以來的坳陷期。

The microscopical observation proves that the main types of granitoid rocks are granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite , and the enclave is mainly monzodiorite . the rock - forming minerals are mainly k - feldspar , plagioclase , amphiboie , biotite , quartz , magnetite , titanite , apatite , epidote , etc . the zonation of the feldspars is very popular . the dark - colored minerals , such as biotite and titanite , have been highly oxidized 通過對本區花崗巖類樣品進行顯微觀察研究,知其主要的巖石類型為花崗閃長巖、石英二長閃長巖,其中的巖石包體主要為二長閃長巖,其造巖礦物為鉀長石、斜長石、角閃石、黑云母、石英、磁鐵礦、榍石、磷灰石和綠簾石等,長石中環帶現象比較常見,黑云母、榍石等暗色礦物顏色較深,表明其氧化程度較高。

The qiongzhong and danxian batholiths , as the largest early mesozoic syntectonic granite intrusions in hainan island , are mainly composed of porphyritic biotite two - feldspars granitoids , in which alkali - feldspar phenocrysts and dark minerals are foliated mostly in we - direction . the granites are of metaluminous i - type . major and trace elements show co - variations with sio2 , suggesting the fractional crystallization of plagioclase , hornblende , apatite and ti - fe oxides in the evolution of the granites 花崗巖的主量元素和部分微量元素成分與sio _ 2呈良好的相關關系,顯示出明顯的斜長石、角閃石、磷灰石和ti - fe氧化物等的分離結晶作用,總體上它們與大陸島弧花崗巖的微量元素豐度和分布特征相似,系統地虧損ba 、 nb 、 sr 、 p和ti等元素。

However , in the area with strong magma mingling , there are widespread abnormal fabrics , distinguished differences in the idiomophic - textures and the peritectic reaction , poililitic texture , metasomatism among the minerals , metasomatic border , embayment , rimmed structure , abnormal plagioclase zoning , relict fabric as well as the acicular apatite are very common 巖石的異常結構構造十分發育,礦物之間自形程度差異顯著,常見包晶反應、包含結構、交代邊、熔蝕邊、交代蠶食的港灣狀結構構造及交代縫合線、礦物鑲邊、斜長石異常環帶和礦物殘留等,多見指示巖漿混合的標志性礦物針狀磷灰石。

The bioactivity of the anodized substrate is evaluated when it is subjected to alkali and heat treatment to form a sodium titanium hydrogel and bonelike apatite on the surface of titanium alloys in simulated body fuild ( sbf ) with ion concentrations near ly equal to those of human blood plasma 借助掃描電鏡、 x射線衍射儀、俄歇電子能譜儀和x射線能譜儀,對氧化鈦膜的結構、阻止離子釋放作用、表面活性骨質磷灰石的形成及結合強度進行了較為系統的研究。

The composites are soaked in simulated body fluid ( sbf ) to evaluate their biological behaviors . the results suggest that all the composites show bioactive as there are nano apatite / “ crystallites formed on the surface of the composites ‘把不同ha含量的iiarpmma復合材料浸入模擬體液( sbf )中,一段時間后發現,這些復合材料表面都有類骨磷灰石相生成,樣品質量有不同程度的增加,而形貌上的區別較大,說明本工作獲得的復合材料都具有生物活性。

The bonelike apatite is formed on the anodized substrate when it is subjected to alkali and heat treatment and then dip into the sbf solution . after 7 days the bond strength of bonelike apatite layer to the substrates can reach 36mpa 當對氧化鈦膜進行適當的堿處理和熱處理,在人體仿生液sbf溶液中浸泡7天后表面形成的骨質磷灰石與基體的結合強度可達到36mpa 。

It is discovered that artificial skull is marinated in simuted body fluid : the sample surface like - boneapatite belongs to carbonic acid hydroxide apatite , which can have good combination with human body orginzation 而且試樣表面生成近似球形或片狀的類骨磷灰石,屬于與人體組織具有良好結合的碳酸羥基磷灰石。

But calcium and phosphate precipitated more rapidly on the surface containing calcium and formed more uniform ca - deficient carbonate apatite coating than on the surface containing phosphorus 但是,與含磷表面相比較,羥基磷灰石更快地沉積到含鈣表面,形成更為均勻的涂層。

Through the spectrum analysis , the authors found that the microspherulites are mainly the lithical spherules , that is , the apatite and the siliceous spherules 通過波譜分析,微球粒主要為石質球,即磷灰石球和硅質球。

Effect of heat treatment on induced apatite deposition and bonding strength of the alkali treated titanium oxide layer for carbon carbon composite 碳復合材料上堿液處理氧化鈦鍍層誘導沉積磷灰石和結合強度的影響

The enhancement of the surface roughness also increased the apatite precipitation and the adsorption of the protein and the osteoblast 表面粗糙度增加也促進了羥基磷灰石的沉積和蛋白質與細胞的吸附。