
apathy n.無感情,冷淡,漠不關心 (opp. ardor, f...

Using the arguments from “ bystander ' apathy , ' “ explain why none of the bus passengers came to the aid of the chinese woman 運用“旁觀者的冷漠”中的論點解釋為什么公共汽車上的乘客沒有一個人幫助中國婦女。

Introduction : all feel life is the apathy of the players invited to play , welcome to the “ whole person experts “ paradise 所有覺得生活了無生趣的玩家請進,歡迎來到整人專家的樂園。

All feel life is the apathy of the players invited to play , welcome to the “ whole person experts “ paradise 所有覺得生活了無生趣的玩家請進,歡迎來到整人專家的樂園。


Castorp has rejected “ they tyranny of time , ” only to fall victim to the tyranny of timeless apathy , has rejected one labyrinth only to fall into another 卡斯?普曾經拒絕人生有涯的時間暴虐,卻陷入天地不仁的無涯暴虐。他以為逃離身處的迷宮,卻發現掉入另一處迷宮。

This would help to remove any in - built prejudices and misconceptions due to sheer ignorance , unfounded apprehensions or apathy and bring the different races closer 這可以幫助消除因為無知毫無根據的疑懼或者冷漠,所造成的偏見和誤解,進一步縮短各族的距離。

Others say bad weather triggers a seasonal affective disorder ( sad ) like apathy in them , so they ' re worse students in the crappy weather months 另一些則說壞天氣會引起季節性情緒紊亂? ?如內心冷漠,所以在持續幾個月的壞天氣里,學生的學業比平時要糟糕。

There are other things , though , that also sadly wo n ' t . i ' m fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy , passivity , indifference 令我感到煩躁的是一些似乎不能被改變的觀念,例如,對周遭事物冷淡被動和漠不關心。

Both the rule of two and slider apathy theories took advantage of game - engine weaknesses , albeit in a logical manner , that the developers hadn ' t foreseen 2的規則和滑條互離理論都是去利用游戲引擎的缺陷,盡管合乎邏輯,但是是開發者所沒有預想到的。

I went along as unprotesting as i was unenthusiastic , in the mood of apathy which had characterized all my actions since my departure 我既不反對也無熱情,一副漠不關心的神氣,自從我離開巴黎以后,我的一切行動都是沒精打采的。

He was disappointed by their apathy , in particular , by their discriminatory and hostile attitude towards hong kong 生組織出手協助抗炎外,外國其他地方對香港均采取袖手旁觀,甚至歧視或敵視的態度,令人失望。

Now we need to focus on giving young people , especially young men in our cities , better options than apathy , or gangs , or jail 我們現在需要讓年輕人特別是城市男青年有更好的選擇,而不是冷漠、黑幫和監獄。

Conclusion : the cortical branches occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery may cause the symptoms of contralateral hemiplegia , murism or apathy 結論:大腦前動脈皮質支閉塞,可以造成對側偏癱、精神緘默或淡漠癥侯群。

Now he lapsed into his peculiar and rather vacant apathy , that connie found so trying . in the wood , anyhow , she was determined not to argue 他現在重新陷入了他所特有的那種空洞的冷淡中,那是使康妮覺得很難堪的。

Maximilian , who was paying them a visit , listened to their conversation , or rather was present at it , plunged in his accustomed state of apathy 去拜訪他們的馬西米蘭沒精打彩地聽著他們的談話,木然地坐在一旁。

The fact that each individual sees apathy in his fellows perpetuates the common reluctance to organize for change 每個人在他的同輩人身上看到的都是冷漠,這一情況使得不愿組織起來實行變革的普遍心態永久存在。

Using the arguments from “ bystander ' apathy , ' “ explain why none of the bus passengers came to the aid of the chinese woman 運用“旁觀者的冷漠”中的論點解釋為什么公共汽車上的乘客沒有一個人幫助中國婦女。

A major design change adds uncertainty to apathy as a reason that computer owners might postpone an upgrade 對電腦本來就不太關心的消費者來說,核心架構改變所增加的不確定性,可能使他們因而延緩升級。

We may have found a cure for most evils ; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all ? the apathy of human beings 世間大部分不幸也許都有補救之方,但其中最不幸的卻無藥可救,那就是人類的冷漠

I ' m fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy , passivity , indifference 令我感到煩躁的是一些似乎不能被改變的觀念,例如,對周遭事物冷淡、被動和漠不關心。