
apathetic adj.1.無動于衷的,麻木不仁的,感覺遲鈍的 (opp...

3 . 1 we are encouraged that through the “ short - term measures “ introduced in early 2005 and the results showcasing the benefits of proper maintenance , we have seen a breakthrough in gradually overcoming some owners apathetic attitude towards building maintenance 3 . 1透過2005年年初推出的短期措施,以及其后所展現妥善保養樓宇的好處,我們樂意得見在促進部份本來漠不關心的業主參與樓宇維修一事上已逐步取得突破。


On the base of analyzing , the paper raises that the total results of the youth ' s political socialization of our country reflects that the large part of the youth is good . they have the correct political consciousness , active political attitude and mature behavior ; but a small part of the youth ' s political consciousness is obscure . they are politically apathetic 因此,論文系統的分析了當代我國青年政治社會化的基本狀況,提出青年政治社會化的總體效果是良性的,表現為絕大多數青年具有正確的政治認知和政治態度及較為成熟的政治參與行為;但局部仍存在著政治認知模糊、政治評價功利化、政治態度冷漠及政治參與中的知行不一等偏差。

Jong - du is unable to find a good job because of his criminal record and his laziness ; gong - ju is suffering from cramp that prohibits her from leading a normal life but she is not mentally handicapped . at first glance , it seems that the director is apathetic for setting up such a forced tragedy , but if you look closely , you will begin to realize that lee chang - dong does actually show genuine emotions towards the characters he designed he also wrote the script of this movie . his intention of telling this story is to fight for these minorities of the society rather than to tease or ridicule them 她的哥哥靠她傷殘的身分獲分配舒適的宿舍,卻殘忍地把她趕到殘破的舊樓居住,只靠鄰居照顧她,因而不知道她和jong - du交往,最終鬧成悲劇鄰居以為他不懂事,公然在她面前和男人造愛她和jong - du到餐館吃飯不獲接待,被逼回家叫外賣他們參加jong - du母親的生日派對,被jong - du的兄弟不禮貌對待。

How fortunate we are , in that a great enlightened master is willing to share with us memories of her former world of emotions ! through her grace , our group of initiates walking the spiritual path has come to understand the true qualities of human nature , and learned that spiritual practitioners should not turn into apathetic stones . conversely , we ought to always convey the power of love to everyone who loves us and whom we love 我們何其有幸,一位悟道的大明師愿將昔日的情感世界和逝去的點滴回憶與我們分享,不僅讓我們這群走在修行路上的徒弟們了解人性真實的一面,更讓我們學習到修行人不應成為一個沒有感情的石頭,反而應時時將愛力傳達給每一個愛我們及我們所愛的人。

Wheels creak on their axles , and teeth bite into cogs , and blocks whir in rapid motion , while the next wheel stands as apathetic and motionless as though it were ready to stand so for a hundred years . but the momentum reaches itthe lever catches , and the wheel , obeying the impulse , creaks and takes its share in the common movement , the result and aim of which are beyond its ken 輪軸上的輪發出吱吱的響聲,旋轉的滑輪因為迅速轉動而發出咝咝的響聲,鄰近的輪卻靜止不動,就像它會靜止幾百年似的,但到了開動的時刻,它被杠桿抓住了,于是就聽從運轉規律的支配,轉動時發出軋軋的響聲,融匯成一種它不理解其結果和目的的共同的轉動。

At first glance , it seems that the director is apathetic for setting up such a forced tragedy , but if you look closely , you will begin to realize that lee chang - dong does actually show genuine emotions towards the characters he designed ( he also wrote the script of this movie ) 片中兩個主角都充滿缺陷, jong - du曾坐牢,平時無所事事,工作不認真, gong - ju則是痙攣人士(但此角不是弱智,理解能力沒有問題,只是身體活動能力不受控制) 。

At first glance , it seems that the director is apathetic for setting up such a forced tragedy , but if you look closely , you will begin to realize that lee chang - dong does actually show genuine emotions towards the characters he designed he also wrote the script of this movie 片中兩個主角都充滿缺陷, jong - du曾坐牢,平時無所事事,工作不認真, gong - ju則是痙攣人士(但此角不是弱智,理解能力沒有問題,只是身體活動能力不受控制) 。

3 . 1 we are encouraged that through the “ short - term measures “ introduced in early 2005 and the results showcasing the benefits of proper maintenance , we have seen a breakthrough in gradually overcoming some owners apathetic attitude towards building maintenance 3 . 1透過2005年年初推出的短期措施,以及其后所展現妥善保養樓宇的好處,我們樂意得見在促進部份本來漠不關心的業主參與樓宇維修一事上已逐步取得突破。

According to his lawsuit , the farmer claims that fireworks set off by the boys made the previously lustful gustav both apathetic and depressed , and thus unable to perform for a half - a - year with his two female breeding partners 加貝爾表示,那些男孩燃放的鞭炮令原本一向在性方面生龍活虎的古斯塔夫突然變得缺乏性趣且情緒低落起來,以至于在接下來的半年時間里它始終無法與該農場內的2只雌性鴕鳥親熱。

Lord ingram , like his sisters , is very tall ; like them , also , he is handsome ; but he shares mary s apathetic and listless look : he seems to have more length of limb than vivacity of blood or vigour of brain 英格拉姆勛爵同他的姐妹們一樣高挑個子,同她們一樣漂亮,但有著瑪麗那種冷漠倦怠的神色。他似乎四肢瘦長有余,血氣或腦力不足。

While they uncovered the sheaves he stood apathetic beside his portable repository of force , round whose hot blackness the morning air quivered . he had nothing to do with preparatory labour 在工人們拆麥垛的時候,他就毫無表情地站在那個可以移動的能量貯存器的旁邊,在火熱的能量貯存器的周圍,早晨的空氣顫抖著。

As past referendums have been mostly focused on constitutional reform and international treaties - issues not directly linked to the french people , the french voter has become more and more apathetic 此外,法國公投的實施范圍多以憲政機制、國際條約為主,而與人民直接相關的議題較少,造成人民對公投日益冷漠。

“ racism does exist , and perhaps always will in some form ? but this doesn ' t mean we can be apathetic about the problem and ignore it , ” said mr calma 感覺上澳洲好像跟美國很相像,是個民族與文化的大熔爐。或許的確正在往這樣的方向走去吧,不過要說是個多元文化、相互包容的社會,還言之過早。

Same as choi , yoo ji - tae also gives out an engaging portrayal as the ruthless antagonist . his cold and apathetic personality parallels perfectly to the impetuous and frantic choi min - sik 《原罪犯》是一部拍得非常出色的作品,懸疑詭異中不乏異色,在雅俗方面都令人滿意。

Every guest they receive ends up dead and lead them into covering up serial murder . as they have more bodies to bury , their response becomes more bold and apathetic 終于,第一個客人來投宿,全家當他上賓招待,孰料第二天早上卻發現他離奇死亡。

But the head swayed helplessly with the jerky steps of the bearers , and the cold , apathetic eyes did not know on what to rest 但是,這個頭竟因扛起伯爵的人腳步不均勻而顯得軟弱無力,微微地搖晃,他那冷漠的目光真不知要停留在什么上面。

Mrs warren has called on evangelicals to repent for their apathetic attitude to aids victims and , unlike mr falwell , stresses compassion 華夫人呼吁基督教福音派人士應當悔悟對于艾滋病患者的漠然,同福爾韋爾相反,她強調應當同情他們。

Poland has done well despite its bad governments , causing the public to take a largely cynical and apathetic view of domestic politics 盡管波蘭政府治國無方,但其表現甚好,這使得內外公眾對其國內政治抱著一個憤世嫉俗與輕蔑的態度。

In terms of the information from the universe he is apathetic and sometimes irritable , he is like an ostrich with his head in sand 根據來自宇宙的信息他是缺乏感情的而且有時易怒的,他是一個像鴕鳥般的人把頭埋在沙子里。