
apartment n.1.〔美國〕(一座房屋隔成數家的)公寓住宅。 ★英國...

A few minutes later bethune burst into the apartment shouting: “i've got it! “ 幾分鐘后,白求恩沖進了自己的公寓嚷著:“我可找到了!”

apartment complex

The little republic to which i gave laws was regulated in the following manner: by sunrise we all assembled in our common apartment . 歸我發號施令的這個小共和國是這樣治理的:太陽出來,我們齊集客廳。

His apartment was bugged, his telephone tapped; he was put under surveillance and tested with provocateurs . 他的套房被裝上了竊聽器,電話被偵聽,他受到跟蹤,并由假裝外國特務的人進行試探。

Jeanie arose from her seat, and made her quiet reverence, when the elder mr. staunton entered the apartment . 當老斯湯頓先生走進房間的時候,珍妮從座位上起身默默地鞠了一躬。

Panya found his selfrespect, gave up drink and after a while became the superintendent of an apartment house . 潘雅的自尊心恢復了,戒了酒,不久之后當了某公寓大廈的管理員。

All existing apartment house incinerators were to be closed or improved according to a specific timetable . 按照特定的時間表,封閉或改進所有公寓已有的家用焚化爐裝置。

She had at this time ready money enough to supply all that was wanted of greater elegance to the apartment . 此時她手有足夠的錢來購置一些東西,把房子布置得更加幽雅。

The apartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time . 這些房間的位置排列都極不規則,每次只能看見一個房間的景象。

A couple of times he shot at pug the nasty glare he had first flashed in the leningrad apartment . 他用惡狠狠的眼色朝帕格瞪了兩眼,就象上次他在列寧格勒公寓里那樣。

Through the open windows of the apartment stole the evening air, bearing the perfume of flowers from the garden . 夜風透過屋子敞開的窗戶襲來,帶來了園子里的花香。

The apartment project symbolized for me both the achievements and blunders of chinese industry . 在我看來,這群公寓建筑象征中國工業的成就,也是中國工業的失誤。

She wants to move into her own apartment but her parents are throwing cold water on the idea . 她想搬進自己的公寓,但她的雙親卻給這個想法潑冷水。

I also know a real estate agent that can help you find a house or an apartment . 我也認識一位房地產經紀人,他可以幫助你找一間房子或公寓。

Apartments were hard to get but i rented a good one from a russian prince . 當時找住宅很難,可我從一個俄國大公那兒租到了一套舒適的房間。

A few minutes later bethune burst into the apartment shouting: “i've got it! “ 幾分鐘后,白求恩沖進了自己的公寓嚷著:“我可找到了!”

To get a decent apartment these days in new york you have to pay an arm and a leg . 今天想在紐約住棟像樣的公寓,必須付出極高的代價。

He hid his hard-earned two thousand yuan cash inside a double wall in his apartment . 他把辛苦得來的二千元現款藏在住處的夾層墻里。

Some companies have made a profit by building low-cost apartments in ghetto areas . 有些公司在猶太人居住區建造低成本的住房而獲利。

Tens of thousands of families were forced to double up in homes and apartments . 多少萬家庭被迫和別人擠住在一間住宅或公寓內。