
apartheid n.1.(南非的)種族隔離(政策)。2.孤傲。

He said the notebooks were “ more than just the working documents of a prisoner “ and represented “ the hope that we can recover memories and stories suppressed by the apartheid regime “ 曼德拉說日記本“不僅僅是一個囚犯的勞動記錄” ,它還代表了“一種希望:我們可以借此回顧在種族隔離政權壓制下的一些記憶和故事” 。

Prime minister manmohan singh recently compared india ' s caste system to apartheid in south africa , calling it not just prejudice but “ a blot on humanity . 印度總理辛哈最近把印度的種姓制度和南非種族隔離政策相提并論,指它不只是偏見,更是人性的污點。

“ south africans fought a noble struggle against the evils of apartheid . . . today we find ourselves facing an even greater threat , “ he said 曼德拉接受采訪時說到,盡管艾滋病對全人類構成了威脅,但是它一定能像打敗種族隔離一樣,被人類戰勝。

“ for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime , and for laying the foundations for a new democratic south africa 因為在廢除南非種族隔離制度中作出的貢獻而獲獎與


Using the moral authority it had won by confronting both apartheid and communism , it challenged western governments whenever they seemed to be cutting legal corners ; in that spirit , it opposed britain ' s policy of internment in northern ireland 利用其對抗種族隔離以及共產主義而贏得的道德權威,大赦國際也會向西方政府發起挑戰,只要它們在法律上有所乖違;本著這一精神,大赦國際反對英國在北愛爾蘭的拘留政策。

It is the intention of those who have constructed the apartheid society , and who intend that it should last forever , that those who make up the society should be prevented from communicating with each other 這是那些建立種族隔離社會的人的意圖,是那些企圖讓種族隔離永久存在,并且阻止組成這個社會的人們之間的相互交流的人的意圖。

The opening ceremony was held in historic district six of cape town , which came into the international limelight in the mid - 1960s as a result of the government s apartheid racial separatism policy 世界宗教大會的開幕典禮在開普敦具有歷史意義的第六區舉行。 1960年代中葉,此區因當時政府制定的種族隔離政策而名噪國際。

It might have done , had it tackled some difficult issues , such as whether courage is admirable in those who fight for causes that are less uncontroversially noble than opposing nazism or apartheid 它本可以抓住一些難以解釋的事情,如發起戰爭不是反對納粹主義或種族隔離(這些都是崇高目標) ,這樣的勇氣是否該發揚。

He said the notebooks were “ more than just the working documents of a prisoner “ and represented “ the hope that we can recover memories and stories suppressed by the apartheid regime “ 曼德拉說日記本“不僅僅是一個囚犯的勞動記錄” ,它還代表了“一種希望:我們可以借此回顧在種族隔離政權壓制下的一些記憶和故事” 。

James has a dream . his dream is to move out of the underclass that apartheid created and into the world of opportunity that apartheid s demise has opened up for other luckier youths 他有一個夢想,他的夢想是要脫離種族隔離政策下產生的低下階層,進入充滿機會的世界,不再有種族隔離,讓別的年青人也有機會

The event was held outside on a flat hilltop in cape town s historic district six which became famous in the mid 1960 s as a sad and terrifying setting for apartheid racial separatism in south africa 接下來的典禮儀式仍在室外舉行,地點特別安排在開普敦市史跡第六區,是一個小山坡的平頂。

Prime minister manmohan singh recently compared india ' s caste system to apartheid in south africa , calling it not just prejudice but “ a blot on humanity . 印度總理辛哈最近把印度的種姓制度和南非種族隔離政策相提并論,指它不只是偏見,更是人性的污點。

But mr dube not only said it ; he also persuaded the sabc to air it , the first anti - apartheid song to be played on a white station 但是杜布先生不僅這樣唱了,而且他還成功說服了南非廣播公司去播放它? ?這是第一支在白人電臺播放的反種族隔離的歌曲。

“ south africans fought a noble struggle against the evils of apartheid . . . today we find ourselves facing an even greater threat , “ he said 曼德拉接受采訪時說到,盡管艾滋病對全人類構成了威脅,但是它一定能像打敗種族隔離一樣,被人類戰勝。

How she lost contact with her child is a story steeped in the attitudes of the apartheid era that still affect so much of south african society 她與孩子失去聯系,深受種族隔離時期偏見的影響,這些偏見至今仍然深刻地影響著南非社會。

Even white writers - andre brink , for instance - who have dared to criticise , or appear to criticise , the apartheid society have suffered 即使像安德烈?布林可這樣的白人作家們,他們敢于批評或者似乎要去批評隔離社會也遭到了不幸。

The album , “ together as one ” , sold 100 , 000 copies in its first five days , becoming the soundtrack of the anti - apartheid movement 專輯“我們是一家人”在其發行的頭五天的銷量達十萬張,成為了反種族隔離的配音帶。

The apartheid - era journals contain the drafts of letters mr . mandela wrote from his prison cell between 1969 and 1971 這兩本寫于南非種族隔離時期的日記包括了曼德拉從1969年到1971年在牢房中寫的信件的草稿。

Aids was a threat to humanity , but like apartheid it would be beaten , mr mandela told reporters on friday local time 曼德拉作為南非歷史上第一任黑人總統,于1999年離任。現在是世界抗艾滋病運動的領導者。