
apart adv.1.分,離。2.分別,各別。3.相距,相隔。4....

“main street“ took the small town apart . 《大街》剖析了那個小鎮。


When a big man's body started going, it fell apart quickly . 個子高大的人,身體原是一垮就垮的。

The villagers in this village live rather far apart from one another . 這個村的村民住得很散。

My car is falling apart . 我的汽車要散架了。

Five feet apart they paused as if by mutual consent . 相隔五步路,大家就不約而同的站住腳跟。

A final deal fell apart . 最后一次交易告吹。

They used to be friends , but now they have drifted apart . 他們原是朋友,現在已經疏遠了。

I live apart from my companions . 我離群索居。

In this case you could take it apart most profitably . 這樣你就能不費吹灰之力地把它拆開。

I took the machine apart to show every details . 我把機器拆卸開來,讓大家看看每個細節。

The two places are 80 li apart . 兩地相去八十里。

Her second novel was taken apart by the critics . 她的第二部小說受到評論家的嚴厲批評。

There's no point in anyone panicking or falling apart . 驚慌失措或膽顫心驚都無濟于事。

The remaining bubbles may be so few and far apart . 剩下的氣泡可能已很少并且相距很遠。

The gas molecules are infinitely far apart from one another . 氣體分子彼此相距無限遠。

Judith, i should like to talk a little with you, apart . 尤蒂絲,我就想跟你單獨談談。

The first explosion tore the reactor vault apart . 第一次爆炸將反應堆的屏蔽室炸飛了。

The cardboard was sodden and fell apart in his hands . 紙板潮得都發酥了,手一捏就碎。

Apart from a few words , i do not know any french . 除了片言只語外,我根本不懂法語。