
apanage n.1.王子的封地[封祿]。2.合法的額外收入。3.屬性...

If the individual is joined of one ' s own accord , want to stop protect , should that month 20 filled in to section of apanage land tax a few days ago and hand over “ social insurance premium is fluctuant declare a watch “ , declare suspend capture fee ; next by check and ratify of land tax section after “ social insurance premium is fluctuant declare a watch “ reach oneself “ labor manual “ deal with to social security branch affirm 若個人自愿參保期間想停保,應于當月20日前到屬地地稅部門填寫并遞交《社會保險費變動申報表》 ,申報停止繳費;然后憑地稅部門核定后的《社會保險費變動申報表》及本人《勞動手冊》到社保部門辦理確認。

Cannot . must deal with to branch of apanage labor safeguard first “ labor manual “ 不能。必須先到屬地勞動保障部門辦理《勞動手冊》 。


Nowadays , there are a series of problems to solve in the management of student apartments . after comparing the three representative modes of investing and constructing college apartments worldwide , i . e . the modes of apartments managed by university , managed by investor and managed by both university and investor , the paper analyzes the different operation modes according to different construct forms and their advantages and disadvantages . using the operation modes of student apartments abroad for reference , the paper puts forward three new modes combining property management and ideological and political education in operating students apartments : community management , apanage management and open management , and lays emphasis on the key role of managing student apartments in the socialization reform 目前在我國學生公寓的運作上還存在著一系列需要研究解決的問題,本文總結國內高校學生公寓投資和建設的三種代表形式進行了分析比較,針對三種管理的不同形式,即由校方統一管理、由投資方管理以及由學校和社會共同管理,進一步分析其投資建設形式不同帶來的不同運作,通過對其利弊的分析以及對國外高校學生公寓運作模式的借鑒,本文提出了“社區化管理” 、 “屬地管理” 、 “開放式管理” 、 “物業管理與思政工作有機結合”四種學生公寓運作的新思路,著重強調了學生公寓的管理工作在整個公寓的社會化運作過程中的關鍵性作用。

The main content of this system is : the level with primary safe medical treatment wants productivity of as primary as socialism level to develop horizontal photograph to suit ; unit of all choose and employ persons and its worker should enter town primary medical treatment is safe , execute apanage management ; insurance premium of primary medical treatment is mixed by unit of choose and employ persons worker both sides is collective burden ; fund of insurance of primary medical treatment executes a society to be united in wedlock with individual account photograph as a whole 這項制度的主要內容是:基本醫療保險的水平要與社會主義初級階段生產力發展水平相適應;城鎮所有用人單位及其職工都要參加基本醫療保險,實行屬地治理;基本醫療保險費由用人單位和職工雙方共同負擔;基本醫療保險基金實行社會統籌與個人帳戶相結合。

If the individual is joined of one ' s own accord , want to stop protect , should that month 20 filled in to section of apanage land tax a few days ago and hand over “ social insurance premium is fluctuant declare a watch “ , declare suspend capture fee ; next by check and ratify of land tax section after “ social insurance premium is fluctuant declare a watch “ reach oneself “ labor manual “ deal with to social security branch affirm 若個人自愿參保期間想停保,應于當月20日前到屬地地稅部門填寫并遞交《社會保險費變動申報表》 ,申報停止繳費;然后憑地稅部門核定后的《社會保險費變動申報表》及本人《勞動手冊》到社保部門辦理確認。

On the other hand , the active method that collect pay sets , social insurance premium is executed collect pay integratedly , by revenue management by cess wu mechanism system executes apanage to collect , by capture cost individual and pay cost unit press formulary scale , tax of the salary with individual income tax , wage declare to orgnaization of social security agency along with all the others , duty reaching the ground collects sectional pay 另一方面,現行征繳辦法規定,社會保險費實行綜合征繳,由地方稅務機關按稅收治理體制實行屬地征收,由繳費個人和繳費單位按規定比例,與個人所得稅的工資、薪金稅項一并到社保經辦機構申報,到地稅征收部門繳納。

All units and its worker should press apanage management principle to attend a place to plan as a whole the primary medical treatment of the area is safe , implement uniform policy , the unity that executes fund of insurance of primary medical treatment raises money , use and manage 所有單位及其職工都要按屬地治理原則參加所在統籌地區的基本醫療保險,執行統一政策,實行基本醫療保險基金的統一籌集、使用和治理。

All units and base the worker should manage a principle to attend a place to plan as a whole according to apanage the medical treatment of the area is safe , implement uniform policy , unite basically raise money , use management 所有單位及基職工都要按照屬地治理原則參加所在統籌地區的醫療保險,執行統一政策,基本統一籌集、使用治理。

Execute apanage management , unit autonomy of responsible , dweller , community serves mode 實行屬地治理、單位負責、居民自治、社區服務模式。

Cannot . must deal with to branch of apanage labor safeguard first “ labor manual “ 不能。必須先到屬地勞動保障部門辦理《勞動手冊》 。