
apace adv.飛快地,迅速地。 Old age comes o...

In aurust , 1998 , the ashare of lotus group raised a fund of nearly 700 million yuan . this has provided large apace for the enterprise ' s development . and this has been a mark which indleatcs that it has entered the atage , “ the second leap “ 1998年8月,蓮花味精a股上市募集到近7億元資金,為企業發展提供了更大的空間,這標志著蓮花味精集團進入了第二次騰飛的新時期。

The tactical missile that is called “ the atomic bomb of the poor country “ was apace developed especially after the cold war 特別是戰術彈道導彈,在冷戰結束的今天,已成為所謂“窮國的原子彈” ,得到了快速的發展。


While our country service industry develops apace , the competition among the service enterprises is becoming fiercely . in current , improving the service quality and upgrading service enterprise ' s brand equity is two important issues for the service enterprises 在我國服務業快速發展的同時,服務企業之間的競爭也進一步激化,提高服務質量,提升服務企業的品牌資產是當前服務企業面臨的兩大重要問題。

1 base of customer s actual need to afford detailed capability parameter of product , follow the most economical and applied choosing - tenet , to choose the most feasible spec of product for customers , do by customer s diversified special demand to solve apace 1根據客戶的實際需求,提供詳細的產品性能參數,遵循最經濟最實用的選型原則,為客戶選擇最適宜的產品規格,對客戶的各種特殊需要予以快速解決

The story may be different in twenty or thirty years time , and in this connection i must point out the possibility of the renminbi becoming such a candidate if the pace of reform , liberalisation , growth and development on the mainland continues apace 不過二三十年后情況又可能會不同。我要指出,若內地繼續全力推行改革開放,經濟持續高速增長發展,屆時人民幣可能會有機會成為儲備貨幣。

Eastern congo faces a humanitarian disaster ; the killing in sudan ' s darfur region goes on apace ; war rages between islamist militias and ethiopian troops in somalia ; and rebels threaten the government in chad 在剛果東部,那里正面臨著一場人道主義災難;在蘇丹達爾富爾地區,殺戮事件愈演愈烈;在索馬里,戰爭在伊斯蘭武裝分子和埃塞俄比亞軍隊之間猛烈持續;在乍得,叛軍令政府如坐針氈。

With the intensity of competition in logistics industry , the logistics enterprises whether or not can build a long and stable customer ' s assets , find living apace and improve their cat competence , the key depends on customer satisfaction 摘要隨著物流行業的競爭加劇,物流企業能否建立長久而穩定的顧客資產,尋找自己的生存空間,提升自己的核心競爭力,關鍵在于顧客滿意度的高低。

In aurust , 1998 , the ashare of lotus group raised a fund of nearly 700 million yuan . this has provided large apace for the enterprise ' s development . and this has been a mark which indleatcs that it has entered the atage , “ the second leap “ 1998年8月,蓮花味精a股上市募集到近7億元資金,為企業發展提供了更大的空間,這標志著蓮花味精集團進入了第二次騰飛的新時期。

In this paper , the space vector pwm controlled pmsm is analyzed , the simulation model of apace vector pwm controlled pmsm is presented , and speed control system is simulated by matlab6 . 5 / simulink5 . 0 分析了空間矢量永磁同步電機數學模型,建立了永磁同步電機空間矢量控制系統仿真模型,并在matlab6 . 5 / simulink5 . 0環境下對變頻調速系統進行仿真實現。

To develop new concept weapon for apace attach defense counter , apace - based battle platform and key technology of information counter , the key technology for corresponding apace state information system should be progressed first 我軍發展空間攻防的新概念武器、天基作戰平臺和信息對抗關鍵技術都必須發展相適應的空間態勢信息保障的關鍵技術。

For one thing , althoughexports kept the economy going when domestic demand was truly feebleand although foreign sales have carried on apace , investment andconstruction are now pulling more of the weight 一方面,在德國國內需求微弱之時,出口對拉動經濟增長的確功不可沒,而且出口銷售量快速增長,但投資和建筑業才是當前經濟增長的最大功臣。

Basel ii is one and the provision of more integrated financial services is another , not to mention the whole new area of renminbi business , which is likely to make quantum jumps as financial liberalisation on the mainland continues apace 新資本協定二就是其中一項挑戰,其次是提供更多綜合金融服務,包括人民幣業務這個全新的業務范疇。

As china transforms herself into a nation in which everyone may enjoy a reasonable standard of living , her economy should continue to grow steadily apace , and , looking forward , her gdp is expected to reach us 4 , 000 billion by 2020 國家全面建設小康社會,預計未來內地經濟仍會繼續高速增長,到二二年,國內生產總值將達到40 , 000億美元。

As china ' s economy grows and its companies become ever - more significant players in international markets , our coverage will expand apace to keep providing our readers a competitive edge 伴隨著中國經濟的增長和中國公司正在國際市場上扮演越來越重要的角色,我們將繼續快速擴大團隊以不斷為讀者提供最新鮮的內容。

The mainland of china , itself facing a most difficult task of financial reform , is an increasingly important factor in all this , as trade and economic integration of the region continues apace 中國內地正面對金融改革的艱巨任務,隨區內的貿易與經濟不斷融合,中國內地成為一項越來越重要的因素,不容大家忽視。

Led by the advanced technology and perfect service system , uway design center continuously creats the extraordinaryliving and worling apace for the customer with new the spe - cific concepts 金優維設計研究中心以完美獨特的設計理念,先進的技術,完善的服務體系,不斷創新,引領時尚,為客戶創造不凡的生活空間。

The authors argue that the commercial exploitation of the subway underground apace should he based on scientific analysis , so as to provide evidence for its planning and exploitation 在地鐵地下商業空間的開發中,確定商業開發量應建立在一定分析的基礎上,才能為地鐵站點地下空間的設計和開發利用提供依據。

It inspires the whole community , with e - business rising and flourishing , diversified communion tools spread apace , and net school and curriculum online develop increasingly 電子商務的興起與蓬勃發展,各種網上交流工具的迅速傳播,以及網上學校、在線課程的日益發展等等,正使整個社會為之振奮。

And as globalisation continues apace , it is not protectionism but trade - and competition - that will be the main drivers of productivity , growth and economic development 隨著全球一體化的加劇,所需的并不是貿易保護主義,而是貿易-和競爭-這些將是生產力、持續增長和經濟發展的主要驅動力。